NodeMCU Projects

in nodemcu •  3 years ago 

Engineering student projects for B.Tech and M.Tech final year students. Takeoff Edu Group offers a wide range of projects best for nodemcu projects looking for magnificent final projects at low cost.

We have successfully delivered nodemcu projects to our engineering students. Our programs are specially designed by experts for best results of nodemcu projects for engineering students. max of the B.Tech, M.Tech, PhD and Diploma scholars.

Takeoff Edu Group provides the most creative conceptions and ideas that can make very effective final year projects for scholars, experimenters, and engineers. So browse through our list of nodemcu projects and choose the smart final year projects for your requirements.

Node-MCU Projects.png

NodeMCU Development Kit/Board consists of an ESP8266 wifi chip. ESP8266 chip has GPIO pins, serial communication protocol, etc. features on it.ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip developed by Espressif Systems with TCP/IP protocol. For more information about ESP8266, you can refer to ESP8266 WiFi Module.
The features of ESP8266 are uprooted on the NodeMCU Development board. NodeMCU( LUA grounded firmware) with Development board/ tackle that consists of ESP8266( wifi enabled chip) chip combines NodeMCU Development board which make it a stand-alone device in IoT operations.

NodeMCU is an LUA grounded firmware which we need to download on the ESP8266 chip.
To Download NodeMCU firmware,
1.Enter your mail.
2.Select branch to Build
3.Elect the modules that you want to install.
4.We can elect the miscellaneous option for TLS/ SSL support, remedy as well as FatFS support as shown below
5.Click on Start your Build.
6.After the figure is completed you'll enter an mail with a link to download your custom firmware. Click on the link to
download it.
7.Note that you'll get two links of Custom firmware, one is NodeMCU with floating support and the second is NodeMCU
without floating support i.e. integer.
8.Download the integer support firmware bin file if floating support isn't demanded, differently, download the floating
support firmware bin file.
9.We need to flash the over- downloaded custom firmware on the ESP8266 chip. There's a tool called ESP8266Flasher
which is used to flash the ESP8266 chip.
10.DownloadESP8266Flasher.exe from
11.Click on the Setting icon and also elect the firmware which was downloaded in the first step
12.elect the COM port( In my case it's COM 7)
13.Connect the USB string to the NodeMCU module and also click on Flash
14.A green tick will appear after the firmware is installed
15.HOLA! Your setup of ESP8266 with Node- MCU firmware is completed!

After setting up ESP with Node- MCU firmware, let’s see the IDE( Integrated Development Environment) needed for the development of NodeMCU.

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