I have weird ideas
Nonsense is doing or saying something outside of reason and rule, that is, a nonsensical fact.
It is a word that is generally synonymous with madness, with what does not make sense, with what does not have logic.
For example, it would be nonsense not to make a plan and an organization to have all the expenses that are going to be carried out in the month in a company or in a company.
Even speaking of personal issues, it would be foolish not to have all your personal finances organized with what you are going to spend and the money that is generated monthly.
An example of nonsense can also be going to war without organizing all the supplies and ammunition that will be needed to fight, without thinking about all the food that must be given to the troops and all the times that must be carried with fuel for the planes and all the machines that are needed in war, as well as the supplies and medicines that will be needed to treat the wounded and the sick.
Committing these nonsense many times may be due to not having enough information, or that the person simply has not planned everything and this is simply avoided by having a bit of foresight into the future, although this can generate some anxiety. It is important so that we do not commit these acts that are not logical, to have the forecasts to organize ourselves, to plan and anticipate a little the amount of things that can happen.
It's something more or less like working with a computer algorithm: if I spend so much money on so many things this can happen, if I don't spend it that can happen, then in this way one has a forecast of what may happen in the future and is prepared, so we will be prepared to avoid these nonsense.
Nonsense particularly helps me to have new ideas because when I think about things that are outside my comfort zone, that are not conventional, that is not what people do, when learning to create new and different solutions and explore other different ideas than what people are used to, I obtain a very high creativity plus, I learn to create new characters that are useful for my stories, this greatly enriches each of the stories that I do and it is a very good activity, because in addition to getting these innovative ideas, it helps me to improve the skills that I already have to solve problems, and I also develop new skills and new ways to solve problems, because by getting out of my comfort zone and exploring these crazy ideas, I consider possible solutions and then I improve as a human being.
These nonsense lead me to very innovative ideas, so many times thinking about these nonsense is something very positive and something very useful, because it leads us to be more prepared people and this is a great help both in the field of personal relationships, such as work, such as in the field of improving skills for a hobby or hobby that we have, then we are going to have a much broader branch and range to be able to develop activities, so nonsense is not always something harmful.
As I always say, all things have to be done with a measure and from the point of view of the logic of reasoning, so I invite you to explore your nonsense and create a new way of seeing life and improving yourself. And if you succeed, I hope you share it with me, so that I can learn from what you have achieved.