Blog Overview

in noob •  7 years ago  (edited)

2. Blog Overview.jpegAs I mentioned in my previous post I had two idea’s and I have created this blog to help detail the steps required to anyone thinking of starting a commercial drone business and also the things I came across to supplement this business. The reason I would like to share my experience and detail different experiences is as I found the whole process is very difficult.

One thing I found/find difficult is writing and documenting what I do. Don’t get me wrong when it comes to working my day to day job in the oil and gas industry I find it easy. The industry is all I have ever known. I left school trained at college determined to getting into it and succeeded. It’s quite a different story when you are setting out alone into territory unknown while balancing family life.

Back to the drone business/ supplementing my business, at this time lots of hardware and software is being developed to fly drones autonomously. Their aim to gather lots of data (e.g. pictures) and then convert drone data (e.g. pictures) into something you can market and sell to customers. Be it large clients in the various industries or small individuals looking for nice pictures of their houses. The market for commercial drone business is ever growing and the software/hardware being developed rapidly increasing. As I attempt to bring this blog together (my first) I will attempt to cover as much as I can about my whole experience writing a post each day relating to the digital world I came across.

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