RE: Medicine was wrong - brains cells have regenerative capabilities

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Medicine was wrong - brains cells have regenerative capabilities

in nootropics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Some natural nootropics to look into and consider:

  • Ashwaganda
  • Astragalus
  • Goldenroot
  • Turmeric + black pepper or cayenne pepper
  • Ginseng
  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Entheogens (definitely research and prepare and take precautions if you choose to use this) examples include cannabis, magic mushrooms, peyote, iboga and a few other natural entheogens.

Large doses are not always necessary, for instance there is neuro-genesis (creation of new neuron pathways) with smaller doses of magic mushrooms. (search for: magic mushroom microdosing)

Now there are certain nootropic substances that you can try, but you must also take into consideration that improving your overall diet, lifestyle and environment is foundational, once you have done this then these nootropic substances can work a lot better for you.

When you improve your diet, lifestyle and environment there will be a temporary period where you will detoxify, similar to if you quit alcohol or some other drug and there is withdrawl, there is a certain period after changes that will result in the temporary disruption in the body as it tries to find homeostasis.

When you come out the other side you will feel better than you could have if you didn't make the change, and better to make it now than down the line when you feel sick.

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Great, upvoted you!

I must say i am going to try vinpocetine and noopept shortly (as soon as they arrive) and when i'll have the time i'll also start experimenting with natural nootropics. I even have some potentially nootropic herbs growing locally and i'll try them first - just to leverage on the old knowledge ;)