Which Brain Supplements (Nootropics) are Credible? [2021]

in nootropics •  4 years ago 

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2021 Article Update: When I got into self-experimentation with smart drugs ten years ago I had hoped that the industry was on the cusp of growing up, that the fly-by-night supplement marketers would be put out of business by consumers choosing Nootropics with rationality and science.
Instead, today scammy Internet Marketing products abound and weird research compounds lacking human studies will hit the market to be voraciously consumed by pharmaceutical thrill-seekers. I'm more concerned than ever about a major ethics crisis giving the #Biohacking industry a bad name.
After personally trying over 100 different #Nootropics I'm convinced of two things...

Read https://www.limitlessmindset.com/blog/nootropics/45-credible-brain-supplements-nootropics | #SmartDrugs #2021 #Health

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