The best nootropic stack? I think so.

in nootropics •  7 years ago 

The nootropic stack that combines to become a legal psychedelic--I'm not exaggerating or kidding, either.

I've been toying around with nootropics for almost a year now, and I can tell you that, I found a nootropic stack that feels like a strong strain of Cannabis sativa, or a low dose of psilocybin or LSD (below the hallucinogenic threshold). It will make you feel more alert, more focused, refreshed, and in tune with your environment. It might also make you feel like a kid again. That being said, kids, don't take these supplements, because your brain is already working at a high level, and it isn't finished developing yet. Unless you have severe ADHD, I wouldn't recommend these supplements for anyone younger than 18. This is the miracle nootropic stack for the brain, tailored to adults.

Before I start discussing it, a brief explanation of nootropics. Nootropics are supplements that enhance brain function.
...and...that's what nootropics are. Fairly succinct, huh?

Anyway, I decided to get into nootropics because I am on the maximum dosage of one of the strongest benzodiazepines, clonazepam, 4mg, every night. I don't want my brain to turn to mush. Taking benzodiazepines for life, will put someone at an extremely high risk of developing Alzheimers disease. I tried to quit benzodiazepines, but this is simply impossible for me. For having PTSD, it's not that fun. The side effects of the withdrawal process is so painful for me, that I decided I would just keep taking nootropics to counteract the effects of the clonazepam during the day, because the clonazepam (as well as any other benzo) kind of dulls the senses, and has a negative impact on memory. Well, after fine tuning the nootropic stack, substituting different things in for other things over about a six month period, I did stumble upon the perfect stack--for me, at least...but, if you have a human brain just like I do, this will likely work for you as well. It might not work for you, but it sure as hell works for me. Everything looks sharper, more defined, colors are more vivid, and I am generally more alert, conscious, I have lower stress, and I feel more alive. You can find all of these supplements at a local vitamin shop, or a PCC.

The stack is the following:

-Bacopa, 600mg-1000mg
-Dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate (DMAE), 130mg (of 351mg tartrate)
-N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT), 300mg
-CDP Citicholine, 500mg (you can also get by with just 250mg)
-Rhodiola Rosea, 500mg
-Ashwaghanda - powder root 380mg, + extract root, 280mg

I stacked this nootropic stack so you can stack things whilst on this stack

I also recently added Guarana extract, 800mg, because I am trying to wean myself off of caffeine. Although, even without the guarana, this stack keeps you alert and in tune with your surroundings. If you work a job that requires intense concentration and focus, or if you're a college student, or if you have some chronic pain that detracts from your cognition and consciousness, this will help tremendously.

If you take all this on a relatively empty stomach, prepare to be amazed...and then, after this, I would recommend a milkshake that is rich in nuts (I use peanuts) to give fuel to these supplements (and you may add protein powder as desired), which will last for nearly the entire day, because all of them are going to put your neurotransmitters into a higher gear. Anything that is brain food, you should consume after taking these supplements, to enhance them further, and to make their mechanisms last longer. Foods that help replenish key electrolytes are a good bet, such as bananas, or also foods that are known brain foods, such as eggs or avocados. Bananas and peanuts mixed together taste very good as well, unless you're allergic to peanuts.

This nootropic stack is perfect for those with ADD or ADHD, for those with depression, and other issues that are caused by a deficit in the brain of specific neurotransmitters.

It really is quite amazing. I can't really explain it to anyone, but imagine putting a high-contrast filter over your vision, and "increasing the resolution" of your vision. If you've ever consumed a Cannabis sativa strain, you will know exactly what I am talking about. It's an amazing combination of natural supplements that improves concentration, memory recall, increases mental clarity, reduces stress, and is an all-around beneficial group of supplements to improve your well-being.

This is also perfect to use if you are currently taking a tolerance break from cannabis, and usually use cannabis sativa for whatever ails you.

Basically, I will break down the process of this nootropic stack--

The Citicholine is found in eggs and other omega-rich foods, and is beneficial to your brain, perhaps the most, out of all the supplements here. It will increase the acetylcholine levels in your brain, as well as restore psospholipid content in the brain, both of which positively impact memory recall and brain activity in general. It is also a strong neuroprotectant, so if you're experiencing a decrease in brain function, the citicholine is the perfect supplement. Just make sure it is the CDP citicholine kind, because it will be better absorbed and metabolized by the body. Citicholine is also the recommended supplement if you take Noopept, a synthetic neuropeptide, which is considered one of the strongest legal nootropics on the market. If you are taking noopept, you probably already know this, but be sure to take citicholine about 30 minutes before ingesting the noopept, which is sublingually active. It is part of my nootropic stack, but its effectiveness is only good for about 57 days in a row. After that, you need to cycle off of it for about 7 days. Noopept is great for resetting your sleep schedule back to the normal circadian sleep cycle.

The next ingredient in this magic cocktail, is the Rhodiola Rosea. This improves brain cognition, as well as reduces stress. it is known as an adaptogenic herb. It has been used throughout the ages as a popular plant to help with brain function. It definitely helps if you have stress in your every day life. Once you start taking it, it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Breathing becomes very zen-like, and being out in nature after having taken Rhodiola is so amazing, especially if it is a bright, sunny day, and the air is fresh.

The N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (or NALT, for short), is an amino acid, and it plays an essential part in this nootropic stack. People use it mainly to cycle off of caffeine, and it also helps address issues with ADD or ADHD. It plays a direct role in the formation of epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine, L-dopa, CoQ10, and other chemicals that the brain enjoys. If you are deficient in NALT, taking it as a supplement will increase the levels of all the aforementioned compounds, and it generally improves mood, concentration, and wakefulness. So, if you have ADD or ADHD, you might be better off taking NALT instead of amphetamine/adderall, or other ADD/ADHD pharmaceuticals. This is all natural and you can reap great benefits from it.

Next on the list for this nootropic stack is Bacopa. It is a very strong promoter of relaxation as well as alertfulness, and minimizes forgetfulness. I find it invaluable if I am trying to remember something that was just on my mind. Heck, I actually lost this entire blog post because a book fell on my keyboard and closed my browser, and I didn't think to save my work. Lesson learned. Bacopa will also help with memory recall, so if there's something that you are trying to learn or memorize, bacopa is invaluable for such occasions.

Then there's the Ashwaghanda. I don't know what it is about Ashwaghanda, but it pairs well with Bacopa, so if you can't get all these supplements at once, I would recommend the citicholine, the ashwaghanda, and the bacopa. It makes for an excellent combination. Ashwaghanda plays a key role similar to Rhodiola and Bacopa, and is a great energy booster and stress reliever. it is also known as "Indian ginseng".

The DMAE, or dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate, sounds kind of sinister, doesn't it? After all, it has a methyl group in it, so you might freak out and think it is related to methamphetamine. Well, couldn't be further from the truth. It is more closely related to tryptophan and other analogues of dimethyltryptamine, or DMT. It also plays a key role in the formation of acetylcholine, and helps well with mental concentration.

The brain has the powerful ability to take these supplements, and manufacture key, important chemicals and neurotransmitters in the brain, which enhances brain activity overall. After taking this nootropic stack, my brain feels refreshed and "new", even with the 4mg of clonazepam I take at night before bed that does dull the senses, particularly the perception of the brightness and saturation of colors in your visual field. So, when taking this nootropic stack, you might find that you feel like you're on a low dose of psilocybin, or a strong Cannabis sativa strain, but with even more enhanced mental clarity. Colors will be more vivid and will "pop" more, textures will be more noticeable, everything will look more sharp and defined, and everything around you in your visual field will have an element of "shininess" and will look "new", just like it would if you were on a sativa strain or a low dose of psilocybin or LSD.

I have been taking this stack daily for about three months, with no adverse side effects. It might not work for everyone, and there might be a better nootropic to substitute for the ones I have listed, to fit your specific needs. However, I find nootropics to be very useful supplements, because there is nothing I value more than my brain. My brain allows everything else in my body to work properly, and these supplements definitely help me with my PTSD during the day, as well as my current T-break, or tolerance break, from cannabis.

And yes, these supplements are all legal. Why? Well, you can't really regulate substances that are precursors to brain chemicals, because that doesn't make sense. There's nothing illegal about boosting your brain's natural chemicals, and enhancing cognitive function. Also, since most nootropics keep you awake, alert, diminish stress, and decrease forgetfulness, these supplements will never be banned. If they do get banned, then that is an indicator that the government doesn't want people to be healthy and to function well in society....which is a direct detriment to them, because government loves productive workers.

It is a shame, however, that more potent agents that have the same effect as nootropics, such as psilocybin or LSD, are illegal, because they could help revolutionize our society (see my previous post about psychedelics). Hopefully the tide will change soon on that regard. Until then, you can try out this nootropic stack and let me know what you think down in the comments! Trust me, you will be thinking a lot more, as well as feel more positive in general.

If you'd like to know just how much all of these supplements cost, the sum total is somewhere around $130 for sixty days worth of all these. You can start off by taking just a few of them, but nootropics are known for being "stacked", that is, several different supplements taken during the day, because they work off of each other and have synergistic effects.

If you have a specific brain condition, ask your doctor before taking these. However, I wouldn't be surprised if most doctors take nootropics themselves. They are a very popular type of supplement, and for good reason.

Peace be with you all, and take care :)

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