We each carry responsibility for our fates.

in normality •  3 years ago 


I have friends and family, some pretty silent now, who believe I should just lighten up and enjoy life more. I should get out of my head, not think so much, not be such a "downer". I should just wake up each morning and enjoy the wonders of being alive.

I get that. After all, I am definitely on the downside of this soul iteration.

I sometimes envy the folks that feel so strongly this way. After all, it is probably an easier approach to facing the day. I envy how they can carry on, planting their flowers, upgrading their kitchens, traveling the world, going to exotic places, without worry of the "new normal" restrictions, mask and vax ID requirements.

Gotta admit, I got pissed off when I was required to take off my shoes at the airport (back when I still travelled). When one individual out of some 7 billion people blew off a cap in his shoe, only causing damage to his own foot, caused the entire world to have to take off their shoes before boarding a plane?
Does anyone remember how that came about? Some poor soul (likely MK-Ultra controlled - do a search if unknown to you) tried to blow up his shoe on a plane?

Then came the full body scanners after another poor soul (also likely MK-Ultra controlled) tried to blow up a non-threatening bomb in his underpants. Ouch, OMG! (Most don't know that Chertoff who headed HLS at the time made millions off of the full body scan equipment installed in airports? Well, that's old news now.)

Most just don't see that we live in a world of multiple and continuous psy-ops. Most of us do not recognize that what we are told is real, is just an illusion. It is all about the control and wealth transference from the rest of us to the top, and with the end goal being total global domination by the few elites at the very top of the economic pyramid, over all the rest of us.

To some of us, this has been obvious for decades now, and we resist, internally. We can't help it. We can't ignore it. We cannot live in a world of "comfortably numb". We actually care about ALL of us.

Doesn't mean we don't enjoy still being alive. Doesn't mean we can't love our dog, or our home, or enjoy the sun, or watching waves or hugging a tree -- or even enjoying a football game. It just means that we are still alive and it's important to recognize it all, not just what is comfortable, and easy.

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