Are all warnings about North Korea a hoax? Or there are real threats to the USA?
North Korea and 'Great Game'
North Korea is mysterious country and the subject of many myths. Some stories are true, but some are false. Allegedly, it tested the hydrogen bomb. Also, it continues to tests the ballistic missiles, and some of them are intercontinental (ICBM) in the reach. In previous months, North Korea has announced the plans to produce an intercontinental ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead that could reach the North America. U.S. President Donald Trump reacted on Twitter and said that "it won’t happen."
The media coverage
Recently, even notorious Dennis Rodman involved himself in ‘the diplomacy.' Besides this burlesque, most of the media coverages reported about this country were in the darkest hues. Is there the real threat from this country? Did this country with 25 million population become such military power to endanger the USA? I doubt. The military strength of this country is much smaller compared to the USA. And yet, it is not negligible.
North Korea is, undoubtedly, an authoritarian country with a dictatorial government. It is the country whose citizens suffer from brainwashing and massive propaganda pressure. In the economic sense, the country is poor and very isolated. The vast majority of the country's inhabitants do not travel abroad and never were outside their country. This country is a police country. In my opinion, it isn’t the country in which I would like to live.
The media outlets were using this country, often for the pretext of some political moves. Also, as the argument for the significant expansion of military presence in Southeast Asia or some other military project. Something else is playing out, maybe?
In my opinion, all this attention and interest for North Korea should be considered in the context of American 'pivot to Asia.' This country is bordered or close to four significant countries: China, Russia, Japan and South Korea. America doesn’t do much to hide its desire to contain China. China is the superpower on the rise, and there is America's natural desire to hold the hyperpower position and hegemony. So, in my opinion, all issues about this country must be put in a 'Great Game' perspective. That 'Great Game' is the perspective which has to be taken into account. Certain natural processes should consider, too. For example, in the long term, the reunification of North and South Korea can be expected. I hope that future will bring some good solution and all problems surrounding this country will resolve peacefully. Future will show if I was right. With all of this being said, I hope for the peace and the prosperity.