War Games With North Korea & Global Economic Bubble - Gerald Celente Interview

in northkorea •  7 years ago 

Gerald Celente joins us to give us an explosive breakdown of the situation with North Korea, Trump and the mainstream media. We also share insights on the latest in Gold, Bitcoin and the global economy.


01:00 War games with North Korea – what happens next
04:30 Is there any reason to fear N.Korea
06:45 China holding US debt and the mass selloff of treasuries
12:10 Gold’s outlook for 2018
15:25 US equity markets and Iran
19:15 The bubble mentality in stocks and cryptocurrencies
22:00 Where to find out more from Gerald Celente

Get more from Gerald at TrendsJournal.com

Watch on YouTube: Youtu.be/dopefQBEArs

Concurrent Release on CrushTheStreet.com & YouTube 2018-01-18

Get access to exclusive investing idea utilizing blockchain technology at: CrushTheStreet.com/bitcoin

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Nothing To Fear ! We Have Already Seen Crash After Chinas Exit , Nothing Happened ??
BTC grew from 2500 to 20,000 after that . So #dafuc about korea !

Ooo you have a lot interesting topics that is beneficial. That's nice keep going up with steemit, thanks for sharing.

Remember that unless they pass a law to ban cryptos completely (which would be unlawful under common law in the UK and USA) then the only thing they can do is regulate and go after the centralised exchanges. Crypto need to move towards decentralised peer-to-peer exchanges. Exchanges always have been the weakest point in crypto.

I'm looking forward to all these decentralized exchanges. Regardless, it is certain that in the short term government and large centralized, conventional market players will have an unfortunate impact on the wider adoption and they will cause downward price pressures on these crypto assets. Hodl for the long haul and the hodlers will be handsomely rewarded.