RE: A look inside North Korea, its not like you have been led to believe.

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A look inside North Korea, its not like you have been led to believe.

in northkorea •  6 years ago 

According to your chart there is no American state that executed 10 people last year.

Its an average.
I dont know why they have slacked off the last three years.
We have been number one and are usually second or third.
For thirty years in a row.

lets take a look at NK to see it is it the same there:

You still dont get it both ways.
Either you are ruled by force or you are free.
Clearly not free in nk.
More free in the united snakes, but try driving with an expired tag and see how far you get.
My state has cameras on every stop light looking for you.

Cops are not in business.

Tell it to the judge.
In my state they get in trouble if they dont turn a profit.

Yes, it makes you seem very foolish to pursue this claim that the US is somehow the same as N Korea.

About as silly as thinking you are not a slave in the united snakes.

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I have been driving my car for well over a year with a missing license plate and an expired inspection sticker from another state. The cameras you see on traffic lights are not actually monitored by anyone, I found that out after being rear ended by a nit and run driver. No one is watching those cameras and they are not recorded.

Obedience to law is liberty.

"In my state they get in trouble if they dont turn a profit."

No they don't and your link does not claim they do, in fact that would be quite illegal so if you can prove it please inform the Justice Department at once.

You are not a slave in the United States. There are a lot of important differences between slaves and freemen that you have to ignore to make that claim. The defining features of slavery are missing, slaves have all, not just some, of the product of their labor in the possession of another. Slaves are not allowed to leave. Slaves are not allowed to read. Slaves do not have free speech and for damn sure slaves never have the right to bear arms.

So, again we are back to degrees.
If i have 10% of my money taken by force then i am a slave, i am not free.
You cant leave if you owe the irs money.
You cant get back in without a background check.
Just because they dont execute you in the streets makes you no less a prisoner, just a less endangered one.

If you think this is freedom, you got a funny idea of what freedom is.

If i have 10% of my money taken by force then i am a slave, i am not free.

false, if you get to keep any and have things like the freedom to leave and renounce your citizenship then you fail to meet the threshold to be a slave, even a 99% tax rate would not be slavery.

And of course most Americans don't pay any federal income taxes.
You can't renew your passport if you are a deadbeat, you have to pay what you owe. That's the same no matter who you are dealing with, now you want to use services but not pay for them?
I have entered America many times without a background check.

Was Getty or Hughes or Ford a slave? they all paid higher than 90% tax rates.

Your idea of freedom does not and cannot exist and if it did you would be markedly less free than you are in America now.

I have entered America many times without a background check.

If you did it wasnt through an approved port, did you walk through the desert?

I wont argue the rest, you like being a slave, and that is ok.
You got to do what you do.
Believe what you believe.
I know my truth isnt for everybody.

just a quick glance at the passport and a stamp, they don't type anything in. A background check takes several minutes at best to conduct, I did have such a check entering a government military nuclear installation one time, that was impressively thorough. It does not make a lot of sense to run a background check, there is nothing that can change while you are on vacation that would somehow preclude them from letting you back in if you are a citizen.

The "you are a slave" argument is stupid and very insulting to millions of people worldwide and billions historically who have been actual slaves, I would love you to try to imagine explaining to one of them how you consider yourself a slave. You say I like being a slave but that is in your mind, in your mind you are a slave, slavery is a mental condition, I can't be enslaved. So don't project your mental state on me.

Your background check was done before you got on the plane.
If there had been a problem they would not have let you board the plane.

slavery is a mental condition, I can't be enslaved.

Said the passport holder,...

No slave is more perfectly enslaved than the one that falsely thinks himself free.

it's hard to commit crimes in America when you are not here, thus hard to imagine a scenario where you are not allowed back into the US, if there had been a problem they would have never let you leave or board an airplane to leave.

Tell me more about how the American passport which allows you to freely travel to almost any country in the world is a false freedom.

The key word there is "falsely".

The fact of having one.
You had to get permission.
Free people come and go without papers.