My introduce yourself, four months late

in norway •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone.

I realized that I have never written an introduce yourself post in the four months that I have been here at Steemit.
And since we now are going to have a task at @Onebitnews about how to get to know the people that you follow a bit by reading their introduction post, I figured that I had to write one myself so here it come.

Profilbilde 1.jpg

My name is Thomas and I live in beautiful Fredrikstad here in Norway.
I am in my early forties and I own a small sales company that work for a large communication company here in Norway.
So, at daily basis I am at my office doing two things, supervising that everything in the company runs smoothly and trying to develop the business to have new things to invest and develop.

Here is a picture of my town

Fredrikstad by.jpg

Work, work, work

I love my job, but lately I have been wondering if there is more to life than just making money and staying in the rat race.
So far, I have come to the conclusion that it is much more, so, now I have been starting to look for a way out. And maybe, just maybe I have found something that can work for me, the next couple of years will tell.

Photo taken by me right after a blizzard up in the mountains in Norway

sunsett 2.jpg

Besides running a small company, I have a fantastic family with a loving wife and two beautiful girls that have just turned 18 and 14 years old.
In my spare time, that I am trying to have as much as possible of, I am all into different nature activities. Everything from long hikes with a tent and campfire to fishing and hunting.
Here in Norway there is also a lot of cross country skiing in the winter time, often ending up sleeping in a snow cave or under the clear sky.
And I love photography and in particular nature photos.

As I was saying, I love camping outdoors.

vintertur 02-03 12 2017 telt.jpg

As I mentioned earlier in this post, it is a bit late introduce yourself post and as you can see on my earlier postings I have been writing about a lot of different stuff.
But from now on I am going to focus on my life outdoor and photography on my profile.

I am also helping out and writing for @Onebitnews here at Steemit, so for you who like to read funny, positive articles and different games, feel free to take a look at it.

That is about it for this time, hope those of you who looked at this post got the feeling that you know me a little bit better than before.

Kindest regards

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Hi ! nice intro @gyldenhorn . it's too long time you have introduced yourself, you said 4 months.
Any way, welcome to the world of steemit. the best social media network site in the world. i wish you will enjoy lot here. it is best proven platform for many users, which have potential to change and improve the life of many people.
Best of luck to you, for your new journey of Steemit.

Hey how did you get away without doing an intro??? :)

Its nice to meet you Thomas... I know you don't really need any welcoming since you are far above me in experience here, but its still good that you introduced yourself.

The aerial view of the town is fantastic, its looks like there is not a scrap of paper in the street or a lawn unkept... It looks like a beautiful place to live. And I also really like the pic of the orange sky in the blizzard, that's not something that ever happen around me (NC, USA).

Well glad you posted and looking forward to your progress on the introduceyourself project. I welcome it, I have been doing it now for over a week and I have met some very incredible people by doing so.

Take care and Happy New Year!

Hello @Davemccoy
Actually when I started here at Steemit I didn't know that there were any introduce yourself before it had gone like 6 weeks, so I figured that it was no rush to make one.

For the aerial view of the town you are right, there are few to none scrap laying around. We have a good system here in Norway that cleans up all garbage.
The orange sky was once in a lifetime shot I think at least I have never seen it so red before.

Happy New year to you also!!!

Well I'm glad you finally made one, its not only nice to meet you but I have seen 2 things that are truly cool.

I don't know anything about the introduceyourself project you are working on, but I think it would be a great idea if some of the other "older Steemians" also did an update. I have noticed their good-hearted actions just by who they upvote and give help to (I look for those kind of things btw), so to me it would be good for others to get an introduction to who these people are and what drives them them to make steemit a better place. Just a suggestion from a humble newbie :)

Nice to meet you and cheers in your New Year again!

Wow, I just joined few weeks ago too and I haven't introduce myself. Let me hurry now and do it. By the way, thanks for the update.

Good @tomsnoob... Its always nice to learn more about the people we connect to... And don't forget to tag your post at the bottom with #introduceyourself so that people see it! I look forward to reading about you :)

Thanks. Promise to do that as soonest

Very good and have a happy new year!

Gode greier, er vel på tide at jeg også lager meg en god introduksjon etterhvert. Begynner jo å bli en del Nordmenn her nå. Skal sjekke ut @onebitnews

Hei @Dieterschneider.
Bra at du sjekker ut @Onebitnews, det er en del å tjene på å følge dem.
Og helt topp om du lager din egen introduksjon. Jeg liker i vert fall å danne meg ett lite inntrykk av de jeg skriver med. Ser blant annet at du er fra Førde og tar foto?


Ja, stemmer. Drev fotostudio fra 2007 til 2014, men fortsatt aktiv med foto, men driver også mye med "woodworking" og har en YouTube-kanal med 26 000 abonnenter. Mest foto på Steemit og Woodworking på YouTube.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi ! nice intro @gyldenhorn
it's too long time you have introduced yourself.
Happy new year 2018.

Hei, @gyldenhorn!

Det var hyggelig å bli litt mer kjent med deg :) Det blir spennende å følge med på profilen din fremover i år, spesielt siden du skal fokusere mer på friluftsliv :) (går ut ifra at det er det du tenker på med livet ditt utendørs?)

Med venlig hilsen @valth

Hi @gyldenhorn welcome to steemit! Nice intro.
Help promote my friend too in her introduction post thanks

Se der ja! Er jo blitt vandt med å se deg rundt om steemit, men morro å få litt mer innsikt i hva du gjør :)

Ha en fortsatt glitrende jul og romjul med familien i Fredrikstad!

Hehe ja vi kommer til å ta for oss Introduce yourself i @Onebitnews denne uka og da fant jeg ut at jeg ikke hadde laget en selv ennå og det kunne jeg jo ikke ha noe av :)

Kos deg masse resten av ferien og ha ett riktig så godt nyttår til deg og dine

Hi was just wondering if you would be ok with me linking this to my homepage where I have my interviews? unless you want to take the interview. When it comes to Norwegians your'e definetly one of those you should follow, and I'm trying to recruit some new people. And by the way, do you have any other recommendations?

Hei @K3bn0b
Bare til å linke i vei. Jeg kan helt sikkert ta ett intervju hvis du da har lyst til å intervjue meg? :)
Hvis du vil kan vi jo treffes over en kaffe en dag i Fredrikstad? Jeg er på reise nå, men er tilbake i byen neste mandag. Ellers er jo @Erlendgroseth en spennende person :)

Amazing pictures! The one taken after the blizzard.. Those colors.. Wow! Also I didn't know Fredrikstad was this beautiful. I assume the picture is taken with a drone (not you parashooting)?

Long over due; welcome to Steemit! :-)

Hi @Partywalrus
I was really lucky with the colors that day. The sun was shining true a thin layer of clouds with a lot of snow particles so it seemed like the sky was on fire.
And the picture of Fredrikstad is NOT me parashooting :)

Kindest regards

Hi,friend. Welcome to Steemit. It's great to have you here. I wish you good luck as you blog in our community. @greatness96

Thx a lot @Greatness96


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Never made an intro of myself. Maybe I have the time now to do it now during the holidays.

My father in law lives in Fredrikstad, so perhaps I'll hook up next time I am in town.

Hi @Idigit
Then it is time to make one :) Read the magasin form @Onebitnews this week, we have focus on the introduce yourself tag. That is why I made one my self :)
And jut shout out if you are in Fredrikstad next time. You are always welcome to come and take a coffee at our @Onebitnews office.

Kindest regards

Hei, jeg får vel si velkommen til steemit, selv om du nå er 4 måneder gammel ;)
Bra introduksjonstekst, er ikke så dumt dette. Blir litt mer kjent med mennesket bak @.. Og da blir ting ofte mer interessant.

Velkommen skal du være :)

Hei @Svein
Vi er noen her på Steemit som har gått sammen og startet opp @Onebitnews.
Dette skal bli ett magasin som omfavner blockchainen vi er på. Så du er hjertelig velkommen til å lese og kommentere her. Det er også grunnen til jeg lagde denne introduksjonen om meg selv da vi har ett prosjekt rundt dette denne uka: Bli kjent med menneske bak profilen.

Du får ha en super dag!!!

Jasså ja, dette må sjekkes ut! Er fortsatt litt forvirret på hele konseptet med Steemit. Ikke veldig enkelt å skjønne seg på alt her 😊

Fredrikstad!!! :D

Jepp!!! :D

Great into Thomas. Better late then never.

You are an inspiration for many people around you. You are always positive. Have a great attitude and love your adventure full life. You are a great friend that I have been so lucky to meet and get to know.
I hope you will find yourself and what you wanna do that will make you follow what ever dream you find on your way.
Best regards


Welcome and join this steemit community even though new users but all of us new here also learn something new and can interact with others. This new community also teaches us new lessons with diverse writings and credible reliable information. Good luck and best regards

thank you a lot for introducing yourself to us.may god bless you live long.

just ah perfect shot and welcome..

Hi ! nice intro @gyldenhorn .
Happy New Year.

Cant beat nature photos.
Owning small business as well. We have to something.
Resteemed and upvoted!

That's a very nice introduction post @gyldenhorn, you sure do take some nice pictures of nature!
I'm glad to have met you here on steemit!

Hi please follow me, have a nice day