The first hike of 2018

in norway •  7 years ago 

The first trip into the woods in the new year was finally here. I had been looking forward to this all christmas.
I have a goal to reach 40 nights in a tent or under the open sky.

We went out saturday morning, here is @Erlendgroseth walking in a winter dressed road.


It were around -4 degree celsius and we were out for the hunt for some good photos, but the light was dim, so we decided to put up our tents first and then hope for some better photo opportunities.

Here is my tent up and ready to use.


As I said the the light was not good so we tried to do some macro photos instead.
I like macro shooting, but have never done it in winter before. But it was exciting and I am definitely going to do this more.

Here are some small, dead, flowers from last year.


Since the daylight is scarce here in Norway this time of year, the sun goes down before 16.00. We are a early meal and went into our sleeping bags around 19.00.
After having had a meal in the tent I fell to sleep, listening to some podcas,t around 21.
We got up around 07 the next morning and startet a campfire to get some heat in our bodies while we were waiting for the morning light.

Here you can see our Campfire


We dident get lucky with the light this morning either, so we just went around, trying ro find something to take pictures of, but around 11 the cold weather put and end to this trip and we went back to civilization.
So now I have start planing for the next trip, maybe in 2-3 weeks.

Here are two photos in bad settings and light


Tre 1 (1 of 1).jpg

Hope liked this small hiking post and that you will join me on my next adventure.
Until then, stay safe, warm and dry.

Kindest regards

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Hei @Gyldenhorn

Se der ja; kom jo noen bra bilder ut av det likevel, til tross for shitty lysforhold. :)
Klar for ny tur igjen om 3-4 uker jeg.
Hilsen @erlendgroseth

Hei @Erlendgroseth.
Noen bilder ble det i vert fall.
Vi får sette oss ned å spikre en dato. Jeg vet at 2 helgen i feb er ledig hos meg.


Looks like a nice trip to the forest hopefully you will have better luck with the light on your next trip:-) still the photos are nice a the nature is beautiful:-)

It was super great. Want to join next time? :)


Yes that would be great:-)

1 out, 39 to go! Where was this hike? I remember you told be about the plans you had for it, but I can't remember where it was. It looks nice, would be great with some location advice for future hikes. As I mentioned to you, I do that sort of thing too rare. Photos aren't too bad either!

Hi @Pharothetillia
This was in Vestfjella here in Østfodl, Norway.
You should defiantly get up the pace on your trips, it is meditation for the soul.

Kindest regards

Se der var dere ute på turen som dere snakket om :)
Skikkelig fine bilder! Kjenner at jeg savner følelsen av skikkelig vinter.

Nyt i vei! :)

Hei @Fredrikaa
Takker for tilbakemelding på bildene, selv om jeg ikke var helt fornøyd :)
Savner du snø og vinter er det bare til å komme opp til oss en helg for å bli med meg og @Erlendgroseth på tur :)


Det må nesten vurderes! Kanskje jeg får ta en pitstopp på Østlandet når jeg skal hjem på påskeferie :)

Akkurat det der er noe jeg også har tenkt på å gjøre, men har enda ikke fått fingeren ut! Det er jo så herlig å komme seg ut i vinterlandskapet, sette opp telt og fyre opp et bål.

Ser virkelig ut som dere hadde en fin tur :)

Bildene var iallefall gode nok til å vekke eventyrlysten i meg igjen!

Hei @Svein

Turen var kjempe fint den og hyggelig at bildene mine veket litt eventyrlyst i vert fall :)
For meg er det å komme seg ut noen dager super rekreasjon. Kjenner at skuldrene faller på plass så fort bilen er parkert og sekken er på ryggen!
Bare til å komme seg ut. @Erlendgroseth og jeg tar gjerne med oss nye på tur :)


Ja, en tur ut i skauen er medisin for både kropp og sjel! :)

God morgen, @gyldenhorn.

Ser ut som dere hadde en fin tur, til tross for dårlige forhold til å ta bilder i. Hva slags lysforhold er det du hadde håpet på? Det er vel kanskje åpen, blå himmel som er det beste for denne typen bilder på vinterstid?

God morgen @Valth :)

Turen var helt super!!!
Åpen, blå himmel er alltid velkommen på vinteren :)
Lyset i dag var helt grått og flatt på grunn av ett tungt og lavt skydekke, men blir sikkert bedre på neste tur.


Så bra å høre at dere hadde en fin tur da!

Kan se for meg at det ikke er så veldig godt å ta bilder med den typen vær nei. Får krysse fingrene for bedre fotoforhold neste tur ;)

Mvh @valth

Wonderful hike, reading your article I felt like I was with you it's really great, even if it was very cold -4 ° C and the problem of light you could go out and make us beautiful pictures.
If you will have a little time one day I invite you to take a hike in Morocco, especially in MERZOUGA in the south of Morocco, to discover an extraordinary sunset in sand dunes.

Hi @Redouanemez
The sunset in the desert is magnificent. Maybe I shall go to Morocco for a week to look for good sites to take photos. I will send you a message if I get there soon and you can help me find some locations :)

Kindest regards

Of course Sir @gyldenhorn, you are welcome at any time here in Morocco I will welcome you and show you the good places in Morocco and with the great pleasure of the world.

Look's like you had fun,I like the picture of the fire!
I got the shivers looking at all that snow.

Hi @Tbnfl4sun
It was a great trip. I have jut found the joy of camping outside in the wintertime so it will be many more trips like this.

Kindest regards

Amazing story Glyden! Love the shots and I love your lifestyle and mindset!
I tend to develop my blog really similar to yours, so I would be really honored if you could check it out. I'm really interested in adventures, travelling, photography and many more!

Haven't seen any other soul except Nigeria soil. But this Norway Is just beautiful and I feel like staying with her in the future.
I love your camera as well,the image was take well and the weather is great.

You Always Post Awesome Content That's Why I come Again and Again Only for your words

Wow!Excellent photography.You are really creative photographer. Please stay with photography. how the beautiful natural view is! Very color full also. this place good to traveler.