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Dette her er nok ikke min musikksmak, hva med litt Celine Dion? :)
celine dion.jpg

Ha, ha, jeg tror de fleste kjenner til Celine Dion, og annen såkalt main stream musikk, men liker du Celine Dion, vil jeg anbefale Olga Maria Mikalsen som leverer musikk i samme sjanger:)

Dette var nye toner! Jeg likte nok bedre Isa og Ruun-perioden, for ikke å snakke om albumet som gjorde at jeg måtte slå opp aksiom i ordboken. Men det er jo gøy at de rocker på, de tar jobben seriøst!

Enig med deg, synes likevel det er interessant og ikke minst spennende at de forsøker å gå nye veier.

The long compositions making the listener travel in another spatio-temporal universe are commonplace among Norwegians. "Storm Son" which opens the album is of these. The distant percussions, the horses and the Viking horn plant the setting right away. A gentle introduction to the wake of the early morning, to the post-rock sensibility, and allowing the listener to immerse themselves in the work. The first notes of more aggressive guitars arrive while leaving room for clear songs similar to those of the last albums, and which will reassure the fans fearing the departure of Herbrand Larsen. The growl is cavernous on this first piece. In the manner of an Opeth, different movements succeed in the same room, if not for a second half more black epic. Enslaved's prog slope is indeed there, omnipresent, even though "The River's Mouth" which succeeds is more concise and direct.

Thanks for thorough feedback, it's not hard to see that you've got the basics in their latest album.

Dette vart for hardt for ein tidlegare hip hop'ar, no: kjenslevar sviskelyttar 😂

Er det for hardt, må du gi det mer tid, og etter hvert vil du høre nyansene, musikken og ikke minst symfonien i musikken;)

Flinke dei gutta der. Kjekt og bli på minnet god musikk.
Takk @OneBitNews

Enslaved er et av de få mangfoldige bandene inne sjangeren etter min mening.
Norsk blackmetall er enormt stort i utlandet. Spesielt i søramerika :)

Enig med deg, vi har mange black metal band å være stolte av, og Satyricorn, etablert i 1990, er et annet eksempel på et band som har slått an i utlandet, og som i dag blir regnet som et av verdens mest kjente band i sin sjanger.

Haha, greier ikke ta Satyricon seriøst i fem sekunder etter youtube-videoen «ER DET HUNDRE TUSEN!?». Ikke at jeg noensinne har tatt dem så veldig seriøst, men men. Jeg vet egentlig ikke hva jeg snakker om. Vurderer å prøve vinen en dag, da. Liker vin.

Sør-Amerika er fullt av metallgrupper. Brasil er fortsatt i forkant, både når det gjelder antall grupper og oppmerksomheten de genererer, og dette er normalt, med tanke på at det er det mest folkerike landet på kontinentet. Men jeg la merke til at Chile hadde en live metal scene (755 grupper, ifølge Metal Archives).

With Enslaved we are pretty sure of one thing, it is that we will not be disappointed. With an immovable line-up and a predilection confirmed for a progressive black metal with rock and folk accents, we also know in what terrain we will travel.

Thanks for feeback, enjoy.

Gothic Metal

Goth Metal is a musical genre found at the crossroads of Doom-Death, Heavy Metal and Gothic music. It developed in the early 1990s in Europe and the United States. It should be noted that there is much confusion and amalgam about the definition of Gothic metal. Already it is very common that metal in general is confused with Gothic music in the minds of the general public. Music styles that are completely different.

Moreover, there is a lot of confusion about the stylistic definition of Gothic metal. Originally Gothic metal was defined as a form of Doom Metal borrowing certain aspects of Gothic music including the inclusion of feminine voices ethereal. These are avant-garde bands like Paradise Lost, Theater Of Tragedy or Type O Negative that were originally named as Gothic metal bands. Gothic metal has helped to popularize the use of female voices, so we sometimes mistakenly inferred that any metal band singer was "gothic".

The amalgam being generalized, the notion of Gothic metal has become over time a broad and indefinite term designating any group characterized by the presence of a singer and a certain melodicity. In fact, are sometimes classified as "gothic metal" groups of Symphonic Metal as Nightwish, After Forever or Epica or alternative rock like Evanescence, which nevertheless do not draw inspiration from the original gothic music. Some columnists have sometimes wanted to remember what it was supposed to be really Gothic metal. This is particularly the case of the article "Defining Gothic Metal: The Truth and Lies Of The Scene" which seeks to dispel misunderstandings and insists that only metal music really inspired by the original Gothic music could be qualified as Gothic metal.

My first impression of this music is a bit of a haunting feeling, I guess I'll listen a little more and try to figure out the lyrics.

Give the music time, and listen to the album until you break the code and hear the nuances of the organized noise. Good Luck;)

Jøss. Nå har jeg hørt jazz-enslaved også. Hadde sansen for dem i prog-perioden på albumene Mardraum og Monumension. Men dette ble for tynn suppe for meg.

Takk for tilbakemelding, selv synes jeg albumet fungerer, men tror det henger sammen med at jeg hører elementer av Motorpsycho i albumet, som jeg er stor fan av.
En annen favoritt er albumet "RIITIIR" fra 2012.

The creativity of the black metal musicians is such that some people feel the need to get rid of conventions in use so that they can explore new territories in the manner of progressive music groups. This recent approach, which can be categorized under the progressive name black metal, led some like ENSLAVED to accomodate his viking black metal with a progressive rock and psychedelic tendency of obedience seventies. Others, such as the Norwegian ARCTURUS, MORGUL and BORKNAGAR or the Spanish ASGAROTH, are trying to create bold combinations based on complex instrumentation. they often lead to new sounds and musical constructions, requiring the listener to provide a real acclimatization effort.

Thanks for sharing your post..its a great post..
i resteem your post...
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