The Norwegian government want to force us to pay for their national broadcasting propaganda, NRK.
Up until recently the law has been ridiculous enough.# If you own a television set in your home, you have to pay an annual fee of about 350$ a year. The only way you could get away with it was to modify your TV so that it couldn't receive cable or other signals. Or you could buy one used or through someone else and not report it to the government.
But, and this really sounds like a dystopian comedy, we have inspectors from NRK who drive around to check up on homes who hasn't registered a TV. They knock on the door and unless you are very clear of your rights, there are many stories of them just walking into peoples homes to check. Then you get a fine. In the earlier days they had equipment to check TV-signals. Of course, you can just say you don't have a TV and tell them to piss off.
NRK is still living in the old days, and are not capable to modernize. So they use force instead. Wonder how long people will put up with this in an increasingly modern and intricate world.
But, now..behold, the clever communists in our government, ironically a suggestion by our "right wing" party, are now asking for a "personal fee" paid through your taxes. So now there is no getting away from it, even if you never watch the national propaganda channel. Clever huh?
They say it's a great thing, because they will lower the cost for those who have smaller incomes. But what about those who consciously chose not to own a TV, to save money. Now they are being forced to pay for something they don't use, and they will now get a new expense.
The funny thing is that most people defend this theft. They argue that "if you want to watch commercial free quality TV, you must watch NRK" If you ask them exactly which programmes that are so great, they usually can't come up with much. It's like they haven't discovered Netflix or HBO yet for 8$ a month.
Hallo @Scandinavianlife
En utrolig selvopplevd historie med NRK lisensen.
En kamerat kom en dag med tv sin og spurte om jeg kunne se på den. Om jeg kunne reparere den for ham og bar inn fjernsynsapparatet.
Noen timer etterpå kommer NRK kontrolløren. Utgangsdøren sto åpen så han gikk inn i gangen og så tv til kameraten min som sto på gulvet i stua.
Det var da helt utrolig tenkte jeg. Jeg har jo ikke tv og akkurat i dag av alle dager kommer kontrolløren og så står døren åpen attpåtil.
Jeg forklarte ham hva som faktisk hadde skjedd og sa: "Nå bærer vi fjernsynsapparatet ut i bilen din så er saken ute av verden." Da sprang han bort så fort at jeg ikke rakk å stoppe ham. Det var da merkelig tenkte jeg.
Neste dag fikk jeg se at han hadde sneket seg tilbake på ett tidspunkt og lagt papirene i postkassen min.
Det tok to år å bli kvitt NRK lisensen igjen :-))
De NRK guttene skal ha pengene våre:
By Pawel Kuczynski
Og nå altså via skatteseddelen.
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Haha. Helt utrolig. Mon tro om de får OPPLÆRING i hvordan oppføre seg så drittsekk som mulig? Eller plukker de ut visse mennesketyper? Eller er det visse mennesketyper med fascistiske trekk som tiltrekkes av slike jobber?
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Hallo igjen @Scandinavianlife
Jeg ble så forbannet en gang at jeg bestemte meg for å undersøke dette med mennesketyper osv.
De forlangte NRK lisens av en dame som var psykiatrisk syk som min kone var støttekontakt for. I tillegg sto det i diagnosen at hun ikke måtte se på TV så det hadde hun ikke. Damen hadde dårlig råd, så min kone gikk igjennom regningene og fant NRK lisensen og ringte NRK. Hun fikk til svar at doktoren måtte skrive til NRK og utlevere dokumentasjon.
Damen ble lei seg og fikk det verre for hun trodde hun nå måtte ha TV, men min kone beroliget henne og sa at vi bestiller time hos legen din.
Da de kom til legen og forklarte saken ble legen sinna å sa at man trenger da ingen legeerklæring for ikke å se på TV. Hun spurte min kone om hun kunne ringe NRK og fortelle at det de drev med var strengt ulovlig. Legen sa: "Hvis ikke de forstår det med en gang når du ringer, så gi beskjed om at da anmelder jeg som lege saken til politi og tilsynsmyndigheter. "
Min kone fikk beklagelser av NRK for overtrampet.
Dette sammen med min egen historie gjorde at jeg begynte å undersøke på alvor det du snakker om.
Hva fant jeg?
Jo, de ansetter pensjonerte politifolk på provisjon, slå den. De er utspekulerte. Hvem passer bedre til å besøke folk på døren, opptre myndig og akkurat ikke bryte loven enn gamle politifolk.
Jeg ble også fortalt at de aldri har hatt peilebiler at det er en propaganda løgn som skulle gjøre folk litt redde for ikke å betale. Måten de gjør det på i virkeligheten er så enkel som at de tar alle adresser i folkeregisteret og sammenligner med betalingsregisteret til NRK. Da står de igjen med hvilke adresser som ikke betaler NRK lisens. Og dit drar provisjons lønnede pensjonerte politifolk og oppfører seg litt myndig som privatpersoner for å undersøke saken.
Slik dekker de over noe som egentlig ikke er lovlig, å vaske registere mot hverandre for å overvåke.
"Nei vi gjør ikke det, vi har peilebiler vi."
Personlig har jeg aldri sett en peilebil og jeg er gammel, men jeg har sett pensjonerte politifolk med gatelister hvor det bare er oppført de som ikke har betalt NRK lisens. De har bekreftet på forespørsel at de tidligere jobbet i politiet.
Man må jo bare sarkastisk applaudere nok en gang:
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Helt sprøtt. Ja, nei..jeg er jo ikke gammel kanskje med mine 36 år, men har heller aldri sett noen peilebil. Men jeg har lagt merke til noe, og det er at de som ser på NRK og har TV virkelig godter seg over dette nye forslaget. Var i en familiemiddag med litt diverse familie, og jammen var det god stemning da noen tok opp temaet. "Jasså..nå må dere betale også! hehe" "Gleder dere dere til å betale eller?" "Hvorfor ser dere ikke NRK egentlig?" Til og med jeg ble litt overrasket over skadefryden, og det har virkelig gjort meg interessert i psykologien/mentaliteten til mennesker i relasjon til staten osv. Angiveri var jo vanlig i kommunist-soviet og også under Hitler. Det er vel rimlig vanlig i Nord Korea også. Dette er noe jeg har lyst til å lære mer om og lese mer om. Har lest mye Ayn Rand som forsåvidt redgjør fint for mye av det - og jeg må anbefale Jordan Peterson på Youtube (professor i psykologi), men hadde vært kult med noen bra bøker på temaet. Si ifra om du vet om noe. :)
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Selvfølgelig! Det er kanskje dum og trenger en jobb som de kan bli stolt av. :)
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that sounds like the UK, we are ment to all have a tv licence
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Do you have that currently, or is it a proposal? Do you have to pay regardless of owning a television?
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we have it currently, you have to pay for a licence unless you don't watch live tv. the problem is you get threatening letters at least once a month saying that someone will visit your house if you don't pay. so must people just pay to stop the letters
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So basically the same as we have. Except we are now going to go full retard, and force everyone, even those who do not own a television set. I have been watching HBO, Netflix etc on my macbook for years and years, and don't need a TV. Now I have to pay for NRK as well..
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in the UK, All we have to do is tell them to fuck off they are not the police and can't come into our property without a warrant
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Yeah, we can tell them to fuck off as well. But this new proposal will bake it into our taxes. So they will just take it from us regardless. It's like saying; " you don't have a TV,and you don't watch our propaganda? Well. Fuck you, You'll pay for it anyway"
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It's pretty crazy what they are doing here in Norway. An other crazy one is they take your drivers license if you have admitted to smoking pot or something even tho you where not driving. It's like locking you up in chase you might do something wrong
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Yup. :)
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I don't own a tv, so i never bothered with the nrk license.Is this new tax in effect now or is it still in discussion ?
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Me neither. It's a proposal, so I suppose "Stortinget" will vote it in or out. My bet is it will go through.
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When I came here to Norway a few years ago, I managed to avoid this. I specifically got two knocks on my door (I live in an apartment building, so how he was able to get past the front door is creepy, whoever it is.) Both times I sort of didn't have a TV (it sat broken in my closet; I never had to pay a license for that one :P) so I just said that I don't have one. I think I read it applied to those who even just have cable boxes. I'm not sure. But, I bought a new TV and surprise! I get an invoice. No knocks, no creepy checkins. I think to store is obliged to send my personal info. That's just freaky: having stores obliged to report what consumers buy for the purpose of forcing certain types of personal tax collection.
This has become "part-and-parcel" of living in the developed West. In this case, people will encourage government force on others to get their dull, uninspiring TV.
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Exactly. The shops are required to send your personal info to NRK. The weird thing is that there are so many, even younger people 25-40, that really like NRK. The propaganda has worked really well. They argue; "So do you like watching commercials??" referring to the commercial channels. And; "on the commercial channels there is only reality TV". What they seem to forget is that A) There is loads of reality TV on NRK. B) I don't have to watch commercial linear TV anymore. It's 2017, I've been downloading, pirating and now paying for Netflix/HBO the last 15 years. C) I'm not interested in watching a boat drive up and down the coast minute for minute, or herding sheep minute for minute, or reruns of horrible norwegian humor shows so harmless that not even my grandmother would have been offended. It just amazes me how "in the dark" and unaware of things so many young norwegians are, despite having SO much available information and technology. They're like a pack of well fed zombies.
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Maybe they also seem to forget TV2 is loaded up with ads. That's not being watched as well? (They're programming is subpar as well; they end up importing American TV shows, mostly old seasons and play them on a loop.)
There was a couple of comedy shows that I did find funny, which was on their NRK TV site, but they are old (I am thinking Bye og Rønning specifically). There is nothing worth watching on it now, unless you like the unintentional humour derived from watching the nightly news. Watching Kristen Gislefoss bumble the weather is a treat.
I think in the end what people say and what reality will be in the future will drive what these stations will be ... probably obsolete and off-the-air. But it takes an vast of vast political will to end this.
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We have the same thing in Germany and the GEZ (the ones who visit you to check) had been around for some time. Because everyone hated it, every household has to pay 17.50€ p.m. now for state TV that nobody under the age of 50 watches.
I don't think all taxation is theft, but being forced to pay for bad TV is theft indeed.
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All taxation is theft :) I haven't signed a contract which allows them to take my money. They do it anyway, and if I don't pay I'll go to jail. I can't chose NOT to use public services and not pay tax. One can argue in whatever way one want, pros and cons, but it is technically theft.
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Wow, never heard of this. And I thought PBS was kind of annoying with the donation drives.. :)
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The perks of socialism... :) It's easy to forget that Norway IS actually a socialist country. One of the richest,yes. But veeery socialist and we do in fact redistribute money on a grand scale, and we do very much live in a bubble (not as bad as north korea though) because we are constantly told that we are the greatest country on earth. Imagine someone telling you since your childhood that you are SO privileged, SO rich, and SO happy. The fact is that on average, yes, we're pretty well off. But we are all so very average.
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Blood suckers.
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We've already had the same thing in Finland for couple of years now, where the fee is included in our taxes. Good luck to you guys.
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You guys even tried out universal income didn't you? How is that working out? Great for those who got it, I guess? Hehe. Thanks!
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I think there is some sort of trial group thing going on, I don't really know. I try to stay away from politics as best as I can.
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Thanks for sharing, the old fee model is same in Croatia and UK, they are checking every home that chosen not to have a tv or pay the fee...We do not own a tv for seven years and every year they pay us the visit:)
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