Not Magic is Not Magic, 14 Picture It Can Be Able to Deceive You
The streets look strange and unique with something different. The unusual color of the street, and the variety of art that often appears stunned. But that's what happened lately. Art will make you look fooled. Even able to deceive your understanding of the art itself. Do not believe?
These existing tricks are called optical illusions. Optical illusions are indeed extraordinary. Can make you confused and chaotic looking at a drawing object. In addition, it will usually see it more than once. Even so, it will be curious and still want to look at it once again, even many times.
How come? Because the optical illusion is very interesting to be observed. Make it curious, obviously. Confusing it for sure. Well, let understand and understand will eventually be seen in more detail and more than once. Like the picture below. Let's see yuk :
• Spiderman came to help! How about coming to help you with his skills. Wih, really amazing right?
• Looks real. But you must see the people around him. The look with amazement to the painting in front. Yes it is just a 3D painting that is able to deceive the eye. The right photo shoot makes it seem real and original. An optical illusion that confuses the eye.
• 3D painting on the stunning street. It's really cool. How not to cheat the eyes try, the painting looks real.
• The bridge looks like the original deh. But look in more detail, enabling 3D painting on this road to confuse your view?
• Cool really ya guys. If you do not see in detail, surely you do not think if this 3D painting. Do not deceive and confuse your view yes.
• Look, who saw until dumbfounded. Indeed 3D painting is interesting and curious. Very cool.
• Look more carefully yes. Which one is the original, which one is the painting? Do not be fooled yes.
• Who would have thought that an optical illusion can be so confusing?
• A cup of milk there is this big? How can?
• Be careful, do not fall. Ah, that's just an optical illusion, no need to fear ya guys.
• Relaxing kayaking on the beach, hehehe.
• Which is capable of deceiving you?
• Confusing, but really cool.
• Look more closely, yes.
Which one can best deceive your view? Painting, 3D, optical illusion, an integral whole. It looks real and sweeps deceptive and even confuses your pandnagan. Hopefully this post is useful. Do not forget to share and follow the account, yes. Thanks.
Suppot me @razi04