From one viewpoint, who are we tiny creatures to figure we can have any impact whatsoever on something as huge and tremendous as the Universe wherein we are so minute as to be immaterial, and might be sloughed off the essence of the earth as effectively as a snake might shed it skin?
Then again, as parts of the Infinite Ineffable Intelligence, our transformative fate lies in perceiving our Oneness: understanding that there could be no 'other' and that thusly, at all we do to or for another we are just doing to or for our own selves.
Then, at that point, similarly that all of Nature satisfies its capacity impeccably - hunter and prey keeping up with balance in their populaces; honey bees and birds pollinating and engendering; products of the soil recreating and sustaining; flood and dry spell and fire burnning through the seasons-so too humankind might satisfy its dharma. And keeping in mind that one could contend that Dharma can't resist the urge to be satisfied, at this time of history the catalyst and need to more noteworthy amicability can't be denied.
The endeavor is clear-there could be never again time for egocentrism. Realizing that amicability can't be forced from without, however should appear from the inside, it then, at that point, tumbles to every single one of us to illuminate her singular cell in the group of humankind by developing Consciousness and encapsulating Love. For all the endeavoring toward manageability and balance, but all around inspired or intentioned, can't succeed insofar as eagerness is the prevailing power in the world. What's more, voracity won't be defeated until the comprehension of Oneness arrives at minimum amount.
This, then, is our charge: to comprehend and support the need of shedding the mixed up characters that have empowered the people pulling the strings to isolate and overcome; and to encourage the acknowledgment that the enduring of any is the enduring of all; and to make a worldwide development and broadcast our Oneness all over the planet.
We can then sustain the Balance of the Universe by laying out Harmony on our planet-an agreement that main comes from the acknowledgment that 'We are One and there's Enough.'