The Long Journey Home

in novel •  last year 

Chapter 1
It was the of 1985, and Ardi was excited to be going back to his hometown in Sumatra for the first time in five years. He had been living in Jakarta since he graduated from university, but he missed his family and the small village where he grew up.
As he packed his bags, he remembered the long and arduous journey he had to take to get there. It was a three day trip by bus, with lots of stops along the way, and sometimes the road conditions were bad. If it rains it gets muddy, both sides of the forest, cliffs, mountains and lots of wild animals roaming, Sumatran tigers, pythons and of course muggers, robbers who do not hesitate to jump from the top of the tree onto the roof of your bus and steal the goods that are placed on the bus.

Chapter 2
The morning of his departure arrived, and Ardi woke up early to catch the first bus. He said goodbye to his roommates and walked out into the crowded street. Jakarta was alive with the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily business.
Ardi took a deep breath and began his journey. He settled into his seat and looked out the window as the city slowly disappeared behind him. He watched the landscape change from urban to rural, and he felt a sense of peace wash over him.

Chapter 3
As the bus passed through the winding country roads, Ardi felt nostalgia wash over him. He remembers his childhood playing in the fields with his friends, playing with their father catching grasshoppers, playing fish, playing with his brother and the simple life they lead in their small village. It doesn't feel like remembering all those moments, Ardi's tears flowed profusely, he really missed those times.
He recalls the hardships his family faced during the economic crisis of the 1980s. He knew that his journey home would be bittersweet, as he would see the changes taking place in his village and the struggles his family was facing.

Chapter 4
On the second day of his journey, Ardi's bus stopped in a small town for a break. He stepped out and stretched his legs, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling market. He noticed that the town had changed since he last visited, with new buildings and modern infrastructure.

As he walked around, he struck up a conversation with an elderly woman who had lived in the town all her life. She told him stories of how the town had evolved over the years, and Ardi listened intently, grateful for the chance to learn more about his homeland.

Chapter 5
The final leg of Ardi's journey was the most challenging. The roads became more treacherous, and the bus had to navigate through steep hills and winding rivers. At times, Ardi felt like he might not make it home, but he was determined to see his family.
Finally, after three long days, the bus arrived at Ardi's village. He stepped out and saw his family waiting for him, tears streaming down their faces. They hugged him tightly, and Ardi felt a sense of belonging that he had not felt in years.

Ardi spent a month in his village, reconnecting with his family and friends. He saw the changes that had taken place, both good and bad, and he was grateful for the opportunity to witness the evolution of his homeland.
As he boarded the bus back to Jakarta, he knew that he would always carry his memories of the journey with him. He felt a deep appreciation for the sacrifices his family had made to ensure his education and success, and he knew that he would always be proud of where he came from.

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