Now Playing Week 15 - Psychodots

in nowplaying •  6 years ago 

A band called psychodots! I met these guys in Ohio a couple decades back, and they are still rocking that area in one form or another. They provided the soundtrack for many a pizza delivery mission. I remember always grabbing the cassette and thinking, "there isn't a bad song on here!", and then fast forwarding past the ballads I wasn't feeling. What an awesome band to see live! If you live in that part of the world you have an annual opportunity to see them reunite (sometime around Thanksgiving). You want to be there ;)

I Didn't Want to Kill You

Living In a Lincoln

Copy Machine

Alright, that last one wasn't the 'dots, but it was a 'dots song, and that was Big Bad Bob on bass delivering it. I wanted to give you one from the pen of each of them! These were from fan channels (lumpytwangage, screamingmimes and Bill Hulsizer, specifically). There is a youtube topic. You can buy their stuff.

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