Unleashing Your Super Powers: Episode 1327

in noxsoma •  7 months ago 

Full Metal Ox Day 1262
Marsday 13, August 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1327
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, Noxsoma.com or Minds.
Unleashing Your Super Powers
Remember why Salma Hayek hid her cash in books in the movie, "Deperado"? It's an old joke. I hide some shyt in these essays for the same reason. Those who are meant to find the key will find it and use it.
For nearly thirty years we've been inundated with Super Heroes; only this time in the form of "mutants." Super Man came from out space with "powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men." We've been so blinded by comic books, TV and movies that we believe we're pretty close to a zero if we can't fly or see through walls, shoot lasers from our eyes or produce adamantium claws at will, or any of a thousand other "super powers." It's gotten so bad humans are dressing up like dogs, and other animals.
This is not for them. This episode is for you. We all have stuff that we are exceptional at. Some people are ultra sensitive to sounds and can identify the notes made when a glass breaks. It's called perfect pitch. Others have a way of figuring stuff out in unconventional ways. Not just math, either.
What could make our country great is for everyone to have the opportunity to make themselves great by recognizing and unleashing their own super powers.
What has happened in the US & the west, is that those with the super powers of exploitation and unfathomable cruelty have convinced themselves that they are superior. To challenge that superiority means certain death. Some very gifted people have figured out some very complex puzzles and because they were a part of this system that values money over more metaphysical rewards, they have been robbed (of their patents for example) and killed when they sought justice.
If society as a whole isn't benefiting from the super powers of a few it's because of greed; their own as well as those whose products we are addicted to today. To our detriment, I might add.
It's super power Tuesday. Maybe I'll start calling one of them Marsday, if I can keep up. It was a rare one. So bear with me.
But don't miss the point. You have at least one super power. Something that you're especially good at, that you take for granted. Your mission is not to find it. Allow it to find you, so to speak. Open up and allow this super power to come to the surface. Then develop and unleash it. It will be something that makes you feel good. Something that makes your life better, and easier to navigate, It's not a trick to show off to your friends. It's not a commodity to cash in on.
You'll only get it when you get it. Peace.
Today's Episode: https://rumble.com/v5arbnu-unleashing-your-super-powers-full-metal-ox-day-1262.html
EXTRA EXTRA!! This is the first video I posted on Rumble. Same shit!!
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

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YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 9] Still in Miami picking up the fortnight fitness, fasting, lifting & body weight calisthenics. It's been 20 years since we peaked in strength. We may not reach those numbers again but we'll stay in good shape trying.

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Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

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