Own your mind - what I learned from a journey into my subconscioussteemCreated with Sketch.

in nsfw •  7 years ago 

Psychedelics are powerful tools we have to unlock our mind's true potential.... and yet, it is still classified as a schedule one and banned by the government. Conspiracy? I think not! I'd like to share my epiphany.

"Learn about your flaws and scrutinize them"...

From experience, my journey or "trip" has brought insight to me as a humanoid that would otherwise be impossible without it. LSD or psychedelics removes the "I" and "me" out of the equation and you are able to weigh in on your own life without bias. It is a powerful tool that, if when used correctly, can be used effectively in therapy to "self-reflect" and re-evaluate yourselves without the interference of your own ego. As a result, you are able to achieve a level of healthy self-awareness and the world that lives and breaths around you: one complete overview that is both wholesome and complete.

Every suppressed thought or issue you chose to ignore out of ignorance or fear will come to light. The bad thoughts won't stop bothering you unless you choose to acknowledge its existence and make peace with it. This cycle will repeat itself throughout your trip and manifest you like "how anxiety grows" unless you stop it. This will mark the start of your "bad trip" unless you can make peace. It means owning up to it and having the willpower to"break" the cycle of bad behaviours. Only then will you find true nirvana and have the best trip.

I've been shown my abusive relationship with MJ and how I was becoming too comfortably numb which I have to admit to. At that same instant, I noticed I was physically (chemically) turn off from the blunt because the near thought of it made my face twitch in slight disgust. I believe psychedelics have real value in rehabilitation, where we have yet to uncover the full potential due to a lack of funding/research. They are powerful tools we have to combat addiction if we can incorporate it into our rehabilitation programs.

It also put a spotlight on my poor food choices and how I needed to eat healthier. There is really no need to eat until you're bloated, the appetite suppressing attribute of LSD will see to that. Subtley hinting you should apply that to your everyday life and only eat enough to sustain you rather than in excess. Which will be good for the longevity of this planet and your health.

It is through these subtle life lessons (as cheezy as this sounds), you will learn to navigate the turbulence of your mind. Mastery of these lessons will give you the keys to success in life. In my opinion, these lessons aren't foreign to us but simply got suppressed in our subconscious as a result of social conditioning.

Since before the dawn of time, humanity has been obsessed with progress "at all costs". The fall of individuality came with the passing of industrialization, came the age of "manufactured" people. We attempt to cram our minds with as much knowledge and facts as we could into 18 years from Elementary to Highschool. Most of which don't even apply to everyday life yet we are forced to learn them. A "modern day" education system is the equivalent of a factory manufacturing "star students and the ideal citizens." The 1% Sets-up a convenient social hierarchy fueled by $$$ for a generation of the new Commonwealth to simply "follow the money" so their seats are secure up top. A dreadfully effective system for keeping citizens and their wallets in check by blindsiding us with "the newest tech gadget" or "latest trends". You cannot justify most of the junk you buy, can you?

It taught me to be patient and realize certain things in life which are out of my control so I should let it be. It taught me to face my problems dead-on. If this isn't considered a significant breakthrough in life, then I don't know what is.

I'm not promoting for or against the use of psychedelics and I'm simply sharing my own experience in hopes others may find it useful. I believe it is our own responsibility to educate ourselves about the different drugs and their positive and negative effects. DO YOUR RESEARCH! Learn what it can do to a human mind from other user testimonies instead of blindly following fabricated facts fed to us at school. Only when we gain a better understanding can we eliminate the stigma around psychedelic usage in a responsible way.

Love and peace,

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