A funny idea came to my mind and I wanted to embody it through this painting :
Original source : @hakim lovelife
When I saw the shots of nuclear bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nakazaki during the Second World War by the US armed forces, was inspired by this idea :
Originale source : youtube
What if the penises were atomic bombs, I do not know my honey girl, that you will rejoice for similar news or not !???
But most likely leads me to say that you will rush to the place of throwing this type of bombs ,and you will open your arms to pick up explosives cocks and you will very happy.
Do not rush dear fighter, you do not need to use warplanes to throw bombs, enough to use helicopters ,so you can stop in the sky with all the comfort , and distribute gifts to girls.
Your road will not intercept any risk of ground attack using rocket launchers
Even if you are hit by an RPG, you will receive juste girls's strings bombs Hahahahahaa
Picture source : https://giphy.com/gifs/shooting-ellie-launcher-g9lMjHS3JWzjW