Abortion is Codeword for Nazi Mass MurdersteemCreated with Sketch.

in nsfw •  8 years ago 


What I am to talk about here is very NSFW, even the mere concepts being described just makes your skin crawl, and are very disgusting, but at the same time very shocking and disturbing. I could not believe my eyes when I first realized that Nazi style Holocaust and human rights abuses are still going on at this moment. Watch this video, but be warned, it's not for fragile people:

Mass murder of babies and organ harvesting, just like in Nazi Concentration Camps, still exists to this day, and it's 100% supported by Leftists. How do you react to that?

But wait, Margaret Sanger (1879 - 1966) who founded this eugenicist death cult, had actually very good relations with Hitler, and was one of the influencers of the Holocaust.

So now you understand why this "Planned Parenthood" organization is doing what they are doing, they can't even hide their Nazi faces.

It's as if they are continuing the work of Josef Mengele, the infamous Nazi Human Experimenter and Medical Torturer.

A truly sick society we are living in today. This is the Leftist view of the world: mass genocide, both adults and babies.


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Sanger was publishing pamphlets encouraging young minority women (Irish, Slavs, Italian, Jewish etc.) to use Lysol douches. Lysol was much different back then and caused scarring of the uterine walls causing permanent damage to reproductive organs. She had to take it on the lam for a while so she went to Europe where she was the darling of Eugenicists over there...in particular Dr. Ernst Rudin, the psychiatrist in charge of Hitler's eugenics program. After returning to America, Rudin became a frequent contributor to Planned Parenthood Magazine.

This video is pretty on topic and interesting:

The Germans were thinking along the lines of the "end is worth the means". A little pain and immorality was necessary in this century order to create a 'perfect super race' for the next centuries and to prevent pain/immorality in the long run. They wanted to create the next phase of human evolution, so man would transcend its 'primitive origins'. One can only imagine what the Nazis would've done if they had won and had knowledge of genetics we have today. Probably lots of genetic/manipulation/experimentation on humans, animals and plants, with every family getting blonde, blue eyed designer babies.

How do you react to that?

By pointing out everything you read on the internet isn't true.

I'm curious, do any pro-life folk consider abortionists to be childkillers?

Depends what kind of abortion we are talking about.

I view midterm and late-term abortions as murder, obviously. After 3 months the baby is already formed and it's beginning to become sentient.

Removing a 3 month old baby is murder and the procedures they do that with is just as outrageous as what the Nazis did in the death camps.

The doctor that is committing a murder on a 3 month old baby with such disgusting procedures is as atrocious as the Nazi scientist that was doing human experiments in Auschwitz.

I am not sure about first term abortion, the fetus grows very quickly.

Like for example I would not ban contraception. And I don't even think those day after pills are bad.

A woman should know when she is pregnant, it's easy to test, so if she stick with the baby, she can't have the option to murder it after 3 months because she changed her mind, that is obviously evil.

What the hell are they thinking anyway? They keep the baby for 6-7 months and then they just change their minds and figure they should just throw the baby away before birth?

That is utterly disgusting, these parents are scum.