in nsfw •  7 years ago 

20180411_045301.pngI almost called this my titual, cos i'm a massive fan of wordplay..

I don't doubt there are some camfolk that can just sit down in front of their computer, look gorgeous, be amazing, do their shift and put it to bed for the night. I envy them, cos it takes me at least 3 hours just to be webcamera ready. And then there's the downtime...

This might be the closest thing I can give in the way of advice.. Though I don't think many newbies will come here looking for tips. Either way, I enjoy giving insights into a world many don't know much about.

It all starts with booting up my fossil of a laptop. When I was all bright eyed and new to camming I had a brand new laptop with a built in HD webcam.. didn't take long for me to get drunk around it and spill a whiskey coke all over it. RIP baby laptop, hello painful credit card bill. My dilemma was I was without a computer but also without much money but needed a computer to make money. I did what any poor person would do and bought a second hand piece of crap just to get me by. I still use this piece of crap. The guy that sold it to me told me it was a tank and it fucking is. Yes, sometimes I need to hit that sweet spot just to start it up (repeatedly hitting the power key worked tonight) and I daren't let it update cos it takes 6 hours just to configure.. but once it's warmed up it still works pretty darn well. Reminds me of me.

Step two is get the area nice. Now, I have always just cammed from my sofa in my living room. I tried it in my bedroom, it didn't work. Horribly. I had grand dreams of setting up a beautiful space, maybe with a chaise longues, up in my attic, with a fast computer and a remote controlled conference webcam.. egh, why fix what's not broke? It's almost hard to write this, now I'm sitting on my lovely gorgeous leather corner sofa.. but until very recently I had to work with the shitty furniture I had. And that was a sofa that even the 70s couldn't be proud of. Terrible pattern, saggy cushions – I had to drape it with fabric everytime I got ready to cam – I don't think anyone ever saw the real sofa, just the chinzty fabric I got to cover it with. It ended up being a running joke with some of my early camcustomers; how bloody retro my sofa looked. Needless to say, they were heartbroken when I brought the new sofa in. I might use that old fabric to knock up some cushions, for the memories. I am not heartbroken. My new sofa is gorgeous and I do not miss this step of my ritual.

20180411_035228 (1).png
(Thank god I'm such a selfiewhore, I captured every step of that awful sofa - and my sexy new one)

Next: Makeup. An enjoyable step because I do like putting it on. I've experimented with different looks and settled on a routine I rarely stray from. It makes me smile when guys tell me they love my natural look – mate, nothing you see is natural. Webcams really do wash you out, so even when I look 'natural', I wouldn't feel happy about nipping to the corner shop, in naural light, with all that slap on. I like to set my cam up before I do makeup, just so I can see the transformation. Go from some haggard looking tired thing to a kind of natural pretty thing. Even my boobs get a bit of bronzer, just to enhance what I was not given naturally (pancake peril) and I have learnt through trial and error that things I like doing in real life don't come across nicely on webcam – red lips and dark eyeliner, you're just no good here.

The final stage? I like to have a few beers, chill out, put some music on and get myself 'in the zone'. I'm a little embarrased to admit that I've probably never cammed totally sober. When I cam I need to sit here, for a few hours at least, and be charming, and sexy, and funny, and beautiful, and sell myself. Dutch courage helps me, and I was likely to end up an alchy anyway.. As for music. I used to religiously listen to a Lana del Ray playlist before going online. It helped me get into 'character'. Now I'm slightly more relaxed, I just put on whatever music I feel like listening to. If anything, people come to my room cos I've got decent tunes on, and that's a nice basis for conversation.

I hate feeling rushed, so I do like to take my time with all this stuff. Still doesn't stop me being a bit nervy before I login, even if I've done it hundreds of times before. Every night is unpredictable, that is half the fun (and half the despair) of camming. I'll never forget something I read, by some camgirl on some forum when I was just starting out: It's a performance. Every single time. You're putting yourself all out there and if you don't feel a few butterflies, this may not be for you.

Not verbatim. It was summat like that - for the life of me, can't remember where I read it, but it was comforting to read someone much more experienced than me still went through that.

I hope I'm not the only weirdo that has prelogin rituals... I might do a post for escorting. It's worlds apart.

And to keep myself nsfw, have a bit of tit <3


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Thanks for sharing this @tigerlily321. I love your humorous writing style and the in-depth look into your daily ritual is a nice treat. Liked the pics too!

Thanks so much! :D Humour is needed, sex doesn't need to be serious ;) also I'm such a misery that my favourite phrase is if I didn't laugh I'd cry..

lol. I know that phrase very well. Laughter is nature's medicine.

I would like at some point to use one of your photographs to make more art, illustrations.

Do tell me more.. took a quick look through your blog and it.. it just looks beautiful

i definitely have pre-photo rituals, with getting my mind in the right "space". since i'm not showing my face i get to save time with makeup, which i'm not very going at putting on because i so rarely do it. i'm hypercritical about my body (still) and will send all of my photos through some sort of correction or filter - even if it's just a white balance adjustment. and i'm definitely getting more aware of what's in the background of the photos. it's keeping my bedroom clean, at least! LOL

thank you for sharing this with us! <3

Yep, I think getting in the right headspace for this kind of thing is needed! It may not be obvious (cos of my selfie love ha) but I really hate taking pics and vids of my body.. I'm also super critical and so much goes into getting an image I'm pleased with - which is a bit sad I guess.

You're welcome anyway! Cheers for your continued interaction on my posts :D I'm stumped for what my next post might be about actually.. maybe something on the lines of this, body positivity? xx

Less sad, more of a perfectionist's eye, I say. You want the best for your audience! 💋

Some body positivity would be great. I have been pondering that too - how to get conversational, thoughtful, without being preachy or too comparitive, you know?

But still lovely

hey, aren't you the guy that thinks all women hate men? ;)

Pretty sure they do, majority of women think men are just ATMs and not something to love.
Besides that was old post

Ooft i'm too much a romantic at heart for such sweeping statements

Im a Old Bachelor who has Been around a block or two.
So know few things about female nature

As a young female I.. I got nuthin. Teach me

Teach you what ?
Female nature?