in nsfw •  7 years ago  (edited)

When I'm working, there's one question that usually makes me squirm a bit. You can ask me if I like anal and I know exactly how to answer that.. no, it's when people ask me if I'm single. More realistically it comes as 'u got a bf' and recently it got thrown at me while I was giving a blowjob to a punter. Imagine you're at the dentist and they're asking you how often you floss, but your mouth's all full of scary sounding tools and they're sucking spit out the back of your mouth with a mini hose. But more awkward than that.

It shouldn't be hard to answer. I'm not single, I'm happily taken. The weird thing is my answer always varies slightly, depending on who's asking. Yes, I have a boyfriend, yes, he's in the house and, yes, he does know that I cam and double yes, he will come onscreen for a blowjob. I think I actually had one of my best nights camming moneywise when we'd stumbled in drunk after a night out, gone on cam together and fucked all night.


The punters I escort with, however, fall into three categories: Polite people that don't even ask (I don't bring up your home life, why bring up mine?); Chilled people that don't give a fuck; People that get turned on by me 'cheating' on my boyfriend.

I don't cheat on my boyfriend. I tell him absolutely everything I do, and he is my rock. He understands the difference between a business transaction and lust. Between the character I play and the real me. There's only one other person who knows that I'm escorting now (and she would be an even bigger rock, but she lives too far away). One friend knows I cam. My parents still think I work in my old job and half of my mates think I don't work, which is infuriating. It's infuriating because I hate not being honest with them, but they haven't exactly been overly supportive of my sexwork antics in the past (to the tune of gossip around town) and trust is hard to rebuild in sensitive areas. It's infuriating because I do work. Really fucking hard. Now more than ever.

My boyfriend usually works away about 6 months out of the year, building scaffolding for festivals and such. Last year he did the 6 month summer season, and then went to Saudi Arabia for 2 months with work. It's already a bit different to other relationships I know, cos we either spend all our time together, or he'll work away for three weeks, or a couple months, at a time. I don't wanna sound braggy, but he makes he makes pretty good money doing that. He's a provider and I'm a wicked housewife. These are roles we're happy to fill. We know we can do long distance. When he's home, and it's out of season, he usually finds work lightning fast.


Just over a year ago I started camming to make extra money. Extra money so we could save to do amazing things together. Me escorting only came into the equation at the end of last year when we just needed to make as much money as we could – just so we could fuck off together. We obsessively looked into moving to Cambodia. Lazy beach life. It's heartbreaking when stuff doesn't work out.

2017 was just a series of unfortunate events that ate our savings up and we've crash landed in 2018, where my boyfriend can't find off-season work and I am the sole provider. Sorry mum and dad for being such a burden for 19ish years – I understand after only 4 months of living 24/7 with a man-child.

I wasn't really ready to bring the bacon. My slightly-better-than-part-time-earnings-but-really-good-sometimes-but-very-much-dependent-on-my-mood-and-how-much-time-I-want-to-put-in have been responsible for keeping two adults alive and living well for the whole damn year (I know we're only 4 months in, but that's a whole third of 2018). It's making me resent camming, because I'm always thinking about how much money I NEED to earn. It's not just for pocket money anymore. One escort booking a week can change my mind from constant worry to temporary relief, until I spend most that money on petrol, food, rent and bills.. then I just cry a bit, slap on my happy face and start the week again. Same old shit, week in, week out. I started sexwork because I can't deal with the daily grind of working long hours in a job you hate just to get by. I wanted the time and the freedom to pursue things that might actually make me happy. I never saw this being my grind. I need a fucking break. This might be my last post for a while.

(For anyone that might think I should just get a 'normal' job – my CV's pretty terrible, I need to fake my references and and I'm fairly sure I have an undiagnosed personality disorder.. what a catch eh 😉)

Anyway, as per, I've ranted away from the focus of this post.. which is my lovely boyfriend. Hell, he introduced me to Steemit – he doesn't use his account, but thus, a monster was born in me. I rely on him so much. Financially, when he's more than happy to graft crazy hours a day because he loves the work. Emotionally, when I can't get out of bed, so I message him from upstairs and just ask him to come for a cuddle. And he does, no words spoken. Domestically.. Well, I'm working on that.. He's rubbish at cleaning (to my 'impossible' standards). I do all I can to reciprocate that support. Of course, we argue; we get cabin fever and we need space. I love him. 💘


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@tigerlily321 Do what ever makes you happy. It's your life live it the way you want 😘😘😘. Most people are closed minded and afraid to take risks. Stay positive ❤❤

So true, thanks and I intend to! As stressed as I'm feeling at the moment it's still generaly a lot more fun than some shitty jobs I've had in the past! 😘


I LOVE reading your posts. They make me laugh sometimes, and they make me think... And I do love those ‘I-could-have-used-a-proper-word-but-didn’t-just-because’ phrases💕

Haha thanks lovely <3 also why have one proper word when you can cram many useless ones in ;) anyone might think I had a word count to hit..

I adore you, honey. It takes passion & courage to be honest with yourself, and to be so raw here with us. I totally feel you on having to deal with the gossip-about-town ... it's so frustrating, and sad at the same time.

You're a bad ass!!!!! <3

And you're a total rockstar.. I'll be honest, usually I press the post button, then don't look for a couple of days, when I do it's usually between my fingers, dreading what (if anything) people might say. I needn't worry, you've always got something lovely to say :) ya put me to shame! I should be far more involved in the community and commenting and supporting other's posts etc.. while I take a mini break from posting I'm gonna be still here lurking and reading ;) properly addicted xx

When escorting, is it fun, or is it something cry-inducing? Great sand you have in posting all this, but was just wondering for curiosity's sake.

Is most of any negativity surrounding all this (such as your mate's reactions to your work), have more to do with society's wickedness and self-loathing? Everyone seems to love to put others down, to make one feel better-- perhaps just human nature?

Not at all, I actually like escorting way more than camming! It's just I escort more infrequently and the cry-inducing is caused by how much just really normal stuff costs ha. Life's hard boohoo ;)

Well, sometimes when I'm out, I end up drunkenly telling people what I do, cos I'm an awful blabbermouth and it's a release to talk about something I keep so secret most of the time. In the case of my friends, on one occassion.. I can put it down to their lives not being super interesting, and me not being there.. Is that me putting them down? Girls always gossip, but it did piss me off when my ex from YEARS ago (like before I started any kind of sexwork), out of the blue, started giving me shit about it. That was weird.

The people to whom you blab, are lucky, that'd be a great conversation to have for anyone. Like meeting the guy who invented drink umbrellas, you just don't get to meet them very often.

you probably damaged his ego by rejecting him! but he shouldn't do that, as his reaction-- wrong reaction.