US attempts to dictate the Iran-P5+1 nuclear agreement after unilaterally withdrawing in 2015

in nuclear •  4 years ago 

"We’re Ready to Snap Back Sanctions ", while casually forgetting that they withdrew years ago, after blindly following a certain guide dog.

But now that the Iran arms embargo is about to end in October 2020, the irony is that any UN attempts by the Trump Admin. to prologue it will be vetoed by Russia (yes, that same Russia that "helped" them get elected) and possibly also China.
But the very fact that they try to do so is utterly pathetic to begin with, as Vasily Nebenzya said it best 'Washington shut the door two years ago...Now they’re knocking on that door, saying "Wait, we forgot to do one thing in the JCPOA, let us do it and we’ll leave again." This is just ridiculous.'

Oh, they did make the case that "Moscow and Beijing have more to gain from Mideast stability than from selling weapons to Iran for its sectarian wars.”
Yup, nothing extra pathetic about that. Just that same country that illegally and against all norms of int law murdered an Iranian commander on formal diplomatic invite of Iraq in Baghdad airport, and who's flooding the region with weaponry to mainly Israel (an illegal nuclear power btw), Saudi Arabia (who they sold nuclear tech to btw), Bahrain and UAE, talks about the importance of "weapon stability" in the region.

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