The Shot Heard Around the World? Haven't we heard this before? What strides have been made on our Topsy Turvy Timeline? You decide! Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California created creating roughly 3 megajoules of energy.

in nuclearfusion •  2 years ago  (edited)

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The Shot Heard Around the World?
Haven't we heard this before?
What strides have been made on our Topsy Turvy Timeline? You decide!

Main achievement, then You Decide the Main takeaway/s!
Late last year,[perceived timeline in 12/2022 as we are now on earth's timeline 2023 approaching Ides of March] the NIF, a part of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, achieved a milestone in nuclear fusion. With a nanosecond long, 2 megajoule burst of infrared laser light, the NIF imploded a fuel pellet, initiating a brief fusion reaction and creating roughly 3 megajoules of energy. NOTE, Remember what a joule is!

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The monumental, first-ever demonstration of fusion ignition by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) National Ignition Facility (NIF) marks a potentially world-changing breakthrough for fusion energy and a key initial step in a decades-long quest for limitless clean energy, U.S. government officials and LLNL scientists said Tuesday.

At an historic press conference held at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) headquarters in Washington, D.C., officials with DOE, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and LLNL announced that scientists performing an inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiment at NIF just after 1 a.m. on Dec. 5 produced more energy from the self-sustaining fusion reaction than they put in to create the reaction: a condition known as ignition.

The culmination of 60 years of exploration and experimentation in ICF by generations of scientists at LLNL and collaborators in industry, academia and other DOE national labs, including Los Alamos and Sandia. Officials from DOE and the OSTP congratulated researchers on the milestone and said replicating ignition in the lab could set the stage for fusion to someday become a viable clean-energy option.

Sidenote. . .my grandfather worked at Sandia Laboratory where I was born and where Lawrence Gise, Jeff Bezos paternal grandfather worked.
My father was SWAT at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Some of my mentors from High School were physicists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
I went to a private High School where our Physics and Computer Science teachers came over from the lab and allowed us to intern.

DOE Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm states. “It's the first time it has ever been done in a laboratory anywhere in the world — simply put, this is one of the most impressive scientific feats of the 21st century.”

First let's look at the difference between fission and fusion.
Nuclear fission
To produce commercial nuclear energy. Fission is a nuclear reaction that involves splitting large, heavy atoms into lighter ones, also converting matter into energy.

The problem with fission as a source of energy is not that it doesn't work. Fission has been demonstrably viable as a commercial source of carbon-free energy, for decades. The problem with nuclear fission it's that it comes with a set of problems that demand attention.

The extraction of fissile materials from the ground, via mining, is an environmental issue. Fission reactors have radioactive cores that must be carefully monitored and maintained. Fission produces radioactive waste that must be rendered inert or stored until it is either rendered inert or it decays into a more benevolent state. The vast array of nuclear reactors in many varieties has made the proliferation of weapons-grade materials an issue.

Sustained Nuclear Fusion,
being difficult to achieve even in the favorable conditions found in the core of our sun, is really difficult to achieve in a laboratory.
It's sustaining fusion in a manner suitable for the production of energy at a commercially useful scale that's elusive to humanity.

If we are to transition away from fossil fuels, without social and economic disruptions that few will enjoy, we are going to have to up our game.

Is Nuclear energy is the best path forward to cleaner energy?

According to the Idaho State Journal,

The New York Post has reported that President Joe Biden recently told a group at a Democratic fundraiser in New York that global warming is the greatest threat ever faced by humanity. Even greater, he claimed, than nuclear war.

This claim is, in my view, nonsensical. It's also alarming coming from the leader of the free world. Even if the most apocalyptic predictions of climate change were to come true, most of humanity would still be alive and able to address their plight. That's a situation highly unlikely to have a close parallel after a large nuclear war.

It's stupidity like this that gets in the way of moving forward when it comes to the complexities of energy, climate and politics. It's silly, soundbite ignorance like this that takes up all of the oxygen in an important national discussion.

I'm just glad that the scientists and engineers at the NIF are able to ignore the hype and move us, albeit ever so slowly, in the right direction. Good on 'em.

Did you know that The fuel required for fusion is relatively clean and is found in abundance in seawater.

The National Ignition Facility recently made an important breakthrough in nuclear fusion. Is it enough to one day save us from our adversity to energy policy intelligence?

The byproduct of a fusion reaction is, for the most part, energy. The difficulty is getting fusion to work on a commercial scale. That's the significance of the recent NIF experiment. It's a stride in the right direction.

According to

In accomplishing one of the most complex scientific grand challenges of the last century and completing a long-awaited objective for NIF, officials and scientists confirmed that, for a fraction of a second, LLNL researchers produced 3.15 megajoules (MJ) of fusion energy output using 2.05 MJ of laser energy delivered to the target, demonstrating the fundamental science basis for inertial fusion energy. The results were peer-reviewed and verified by outside parties, scientists said.

Hailed by government officials as a watershed moment for fusion energy, the results are a “proof of concept” that a thermonuclear fusion reaction — the same reaction that powers the sun and stars — can be reproduced in the laboratory and result in a net energy gain, opening doors to a new scientific understanding of fusion and technological advancements in national defense and energy production, speakers said.

Following Granholm’s announcement, White House OSTP Director Arati Prabhakar described her brief experience as a summer student working on fusion research at LLNL in the 1970s and congratulated generations of scientists for overcoming decades of struggles and setbacks to accomplish a true “scientific milestone.”

“They never lost sight of this goaI and I think this is such a tremendous example of what perseverance really can achieve,” Prabhakar said. “It took so many different kinds of advances that ultimately came together to the point that we could replicate that fusion activity in this controllable way in a laboratory … The prospect [of fusion energy] now is one step closer in a really exciting way. This is an amazing example of the power of America's research and development enterprise.”

"Unlocking ignition at NIF will allow us to probe the extreme conditions found at the center of nuclear explosions and address significant longstanding stewardship questions,”

Consider what the Mi'kmaq people have been trying to relay to us. . the Knowledge and the Wisdom of respecting the Land and Protecting it. After all didn't God grant us dominion and authority to take care of it? #Time spent on #TheLand. Connect. #History has left it's mark! #Mi’kmaq heritage, what can humanity learn from them? Why do some resist learning? Are we not here to learn from one another, grow and take care of one another?

To learn more go here in the comments where footage is shown and a very beautiful area in #NovaScotia

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As there are some interesting correlations the Awake crowd will not want to miss, going to put these pieces in from one of the replies in subsection from down below in the Main. Stay safe out there everyone and Keep on Shining your Light BRIGHT! Godspeed!

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#LawrenceGise, #JeffBezos

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From a gov site,

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Long family history connected to Naval Intelligence! ONI
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In October of 1943 JFK took command of PT-59.

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For those who prefer to skim or read, my fully sourced notes are in here, My notes are in here for those who wish to skim along with more Full sources,

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Under 13 min. Fully sourced!

Never, ever forget the sun's magnetic field and gravity, they are related.
The imprint of the sun and the gravitational pull of the planets.
They are seen as stars, they are lights in the sky dealing with that sun's magnetic field and the pull of the planets.
Many have been told or adopted the idea put forth in this matrix that it has to do with esoterics, but it is Really based on Physics.
Why do you keep teaching us the esoterics then, some may ask?
Because THAT is what the controllers either believe in themselves or attempt to indoctrinate, brainwash and pass down to the masses of humanity.
That being said there IS a natural law. Those not supporting the love frequency use it to manipulate rather than harnessing the power of natural physics for the good of all beings and nature itself. All intended by source to work together in respect and tandem.

So the reality is, the stars have to do with the imprint of earth's sun to the gravitational pull of the planets which many humans see as stars, but they are simply lights in the sky.

That pattern is pushed to earth by the solar wind and accepted by the earth's gravitation and magnetic field.

The aurora borealis are the sparks and solar winds and earth's magnetic fields combine and INFORMATION is put onto the planet.

Star steering?
What IF what you see in the sky, what some perceive as the heavens may affect who you are and what you do.

Does it depend upon the time of birth for an individual?
Wouldn't this vary upon Northern or Southern Hemisphere?

What IF it's more about the Circle of Life, turning of the wheel?
No death of the soul.

For the mirror.
What IF it was intended to see you with Source!
What if each is reflecting the Other?
What if all are looking for God's source and themselves in each other?
What about with earth and nature also?
All working together?
The study of all while also enveloping the study of one?
Is this not the very derivative of I AM That I AM?
You see, the intuition is KEY.
What is Intuition after all?
TUNE in?
What are YOU choosing to tune into daily?
The basic truths or the entertainment. . .Enter into their containment?
Or do you Choose to go within and center with the one who Created You?
It is and has Always been Your choice. God granted all Free Will.
When you tune into all that embodies God's creation and love. . .what are you reflecting?
When you tune into their Enter into their containment what are you reflecting?
Is one positive and the other negative?
Is it time to balance, to center?
How will you determine that Wheel Keeps on Turning?

In other words, the body wears out the soul does not. . .it goes ON!
The wheel keeps on Turning!

Has Their Enter into Containment. . .what they call "entertainment" also piped out by their corporate owned mainstream media EVER encourage you or humanity to work on their inner development?
Why is that? Deep down you know Why!
Are they instead trying to distract and refocus you on what THEY deem is important?
Is that not One Big TELL in and of itself? You decide!

Prep for another article, placing here for breadcrumbs and safe keeping on 3.9.2023

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Matrix found in Exodus 13:12-15, 34:19
Numbers 3:12 and 18:15

Remember how Da Vinci wrote backwards?
Way back in the time of Da Vinci they "powers that be" wanted a New World Order
What do you need for a New World Order?
A new language. . .did they decide to call it English

Does the Real Da Vinci code deal with the musical, mathematical matrix of the universe?

Why was this drawing not found in the Completed Works of Leonardo Da Vinci?
Was it suppressed? Why? What did they not want the masses to know?

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Did it speak to the truth of what is really happening in the world, and is it evidence that things really have Not changed since the late 1400's?

He was showing in his drawings the division between the religious world and the political world.
Why is this important?
Was this also going on since Jesus' day?

#NuclearFusion, #NuclearFission, #shotheardaroundtheworld#NIF, #NationalIgnitionFacility, #LawrenceLivermooreNationalLaboratory, #Fusion, #Fission, #Solar, #Nuclear, #Radioactive, #Megajoules, #Energy, #LLNL

Sources and connecting info

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Does it all go on?
Does it all continue?
Is it not a Natural Law that Energy is neither created nor destroyed?

Consider then try to remember. . .there were Two ships from this Ship Line.
Was it really the Titanic?
Twin ships!

Titanic - My Heart Will Go On (Music Video)

Scroll down just a little ways to here in this internet archive to hear about the White Star Line, what was going on with the elitists, controllers, banksters and find out Who John Jacob Astor was.

Then realize he once owned property that was taken away and Epstein ended up with some interesting property in New York. Do you find that interesting?

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Just scroll down a little ways until you come upon the John Jacob Astor and Titanic info. Not even a 1/4 of the way down.

Machinations in a Manhattan Mansion, secrets of Jeffrey Epstein, the history of his Palatial Abode! Think Strauss family from Titanic, former hospital and school!