Nucleus Vision Token Weekly Project Updates-May 1st-18th,2018
- nCore tokens distribution is live for those signed up for the airdrop.Only for the whitelisted token holders.nCore is Nuceus Genesis Token.
- Nucleus Vision is patnering with government of Assam of India to build blockchain powered applications.
- Nucleus Vision has pattnered with ICRISAT to create blockchain powered supply chain solitions that improve food security and help empower farmers.
(data source-nucleus vision twitter acc.)
Frannie Weekly Review updates you of different investments that I share based on my personal experience through acquiring and holding them for future benefits. I will be sharing Nucleus Vision token updates with my fellow open minded investors who want to become the next billioners just like me.
I have acquired some of these nCash tokens to gain an inside experience and to be able to share the real experience.I am sure you are going to enjoy this journey with me.Become the next billionaire with token investments.
Investments are a good source of income and a good way to join the next billionaire list.
Nucleus Vision token price on friday 11th May,2018 was $0.04 and this friday of 18th May,2018 the price has reduced to $0.03
Nucleus Vision Token Profile:
Token Symbol is nCash
Market Cap-$ 136M
Nucleus Vision Token Weekly Historical Prices Updates:
Friday Febr 25th,2018-21:00- $0.04
Friday March 2nd,2018-21:00-$0.03
Friday March 9th,2018-21:00-$0.02
Friday March 16th,2018-21:00-$0.03
Friday March 23rd,2018-21:00-$0.04
Friday March 30th,2018-21:00-$0.03
Friday April 6th,2018- 21:00-$0.03
Friday April 13th,2018-21:00-$0.04
Friday April 20th,2018-21:00-$0.04
Friday April 27th,2018-21:00-$0.04
Friday May 4th,2018-21:00-$0.05
Friday May 11th,2018-21:00-$0.04
Friday May 18th,2018-21:00-$0.03
Reference sources are from Etherscan,Comfycoin and Nucleus Vision social accounts.
Franscisca14 is a Blogger & Author as well as an open minded investor who loves to share opportunities and investment reviews to inspire young generation.
She can be reached through her twitter account @Franscisca14