Naked Peas and Carrots

in nudism •  5 years ago 

“Sex and nudity go together like peas and carrots.”

Isn’t that how the saying goes? I don’t know. But I do know that while sex requires a degree of nudity (the more the better, to be honest), nudity does not require sex.

Nudism is a lifestyle of nudity. Nudism is not a lifestyle of loose, illicit sex. Nudists like to be naked. I am sure most nudists also like sex. But the two are not related. Or at least they shouldn’t be.

Would I be lying if I said I was not attracted to the sight of a nude woman? Yes. Nude women are beautiful. So are clothed women for that matter. But do I lust after them and desire to have sex with them?


That’s not the purpose of nude recreation.

The purpose of nude recreation is to equalize and humanize all people. It is not to objectify and de-personalize them. Nudists don’t make naked people into meat for them to covet.

The human mind is capable of making distinctions. While I can be sexually attracted to my wife’s nude body I can also see other women’s bodies as merely there. This is not so say I see them as objects, they are people of course. But they are of no consequence to me when it comes to sexual thoughts or desires.

That’s why it really grinds my gears when I see “nudists” post photos online with sexual tags or invitations to lust after them.


Or when they post photos posed to center attention on their junk.

Not nudist

Why post photos focused squarely on the genitals? Why don’t they do the same for ears or arms or noses? Those are body parts too. Why not give them some photographic love?


To put it bluntly, those are exhibitionists, not nudists. Those are people who get a rise out of showing off their sexual organs to others. They do not view their sex organs as simply another part of them, they view them as the most important part of them.

Not nudist

True nudists praise the body holistically. The whole body is a marvel to take in. From the top of our heads to the soles of our feet, we are beautiful. Our eyes are beautiful, our arms are beautiful, our hands are beautiful, our feet are beautiful, our breasts are beautiful, our butts are beautiful, our knees are beautiful, and even our penises, scrotums, and labias are beautiful.


Let’s stop making the body an object of sexual lust and start seeing it for the beautiful creation that it is.

Let’s start seeing the body as the beautiful vessel created for a beautiful soul.

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Better than named franks and beans!

HA HA that's awesome! :D