The Public Environmental Protection Old Clothes Recycling Bin (Dalian China)

in nuggetized •  8 years ago  (edited)

Every time I walk past this I can't help think about how many people died or got injured trying to steal from them.

It's not even a wealthy area of the city (maybe down the hill but whose gonna walk up this for that when someone would probably pick through your rubbish where ever it is), I would expect more people needing access to this than people giving to it. BUT hey, nothing is what it seems here sometimes.

I remember reading just a couple months ago about lady in the USA who died trying to rob one and she drove a damn Hummer. The profits to be made from theft and used goods is often underrated.

It was a story of woman who late at night would drive around town in her Hummer, with a step ladder and steal from the clothes donation bins. One day, freak accident, the ladder broke while her arms were still in the device. Both broke, leaving her trapped unable to escape or call for help and she died of hypothermia while cars drove by thinking she was putting something in. Why would a hummer be stopped there and a woman in distress?

Check out those details here.

After all "Dumpster Diving" is legitimate hobby, though not always a legitimate way to make money.

If something awful happened to a local while trying to lift something from these contraptions meant for good it probably wouldn't even make it in the news. Western news likes to talk about these tragedies so teach other not to follow suit, well, it could be in their news and I am just not reading it.


To be honest some people, very few, have actually scored quite large with digging through other peoples trash. Too often people don't know the value of what the're tossing out. This isn't such an issue in China, people seem to only throw out garbage. If its worth something or can be recycled it will be taken care of, most often. Makes me wonder how much stuff of true value has been tossed out and never had the chance to be retrieved.

Some even make thousands of US dollars in just a day, if you know what to look for.

Check out what these guys scored. It's 40 mins of garbage gold.

Next time you think you saw some treasure, you probably did. Take a closer look.

One man's garbage is another man's treasure. (or woman if she wants to dig in).

Credit and Inspiration

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Some of the rich people have this sinister way of getting money for themselves.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

petty sometimes. I use to work at shop and across the street was a small fish market and this mercedes would pull up and take their garbage and drive a way. All the fish scraps i guess to make soup at their restaurant, just a guess.

Woo Hoo. Thanks!!

ooh...the fish soup will taste so good.
a number of years ago, some guy drove his Merc to a used school text books distribution center and fight over some books for his kids. ugly side of Singapore exists too.