Day 3: Nursery mornings begin

in nursery •  7 years ago 

We woke at 6:30 this morning feeling ready to take on the day. Getting up before the kids we thought, yes! We'll get a headstart before the chaos begins. Hubby headed off to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and our sons lunch box for his first day back at nursery.

I came into the lounge to sit and express milk. Our apartment is open planned so my husband and I could chat and plan how our morning would go.

Once the boy is up, you prep his breakfast I'll get him dressed. While you sit and eat with him I'll get our daughter up, changed, fed and winded ready for the drive to nursery.

Hubby finished with the breakfast/lunch box prep and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. As he passes our sons room we heard the lock snap and the door fly open. Game on! Hubby was hopping around the bedroom t-shirt on, trying to pull his shorts up whilst flicking his flip flop over to slide his foot in and dash out the door. He proceeded as planned dishing up a plate of scrambled eggs and toast, which was promptly wolfed down by our son.

Our daughter wakes full of smiles and a big stretch, both arms above her head. Leaving her to stretch and wake up I dressed our boy, shirt, shorts and sandals are a go. Daddy takes him to brush his teeth and combs his hair, parting it to the side making him look like a little gentlemen from the 1930s.

I quickly go to get myself dressed and pull out a casual day dress thinking that'll do. Slipping it over my head I pulled the dress down, ohh poop! In the words of Gandolf (You shall not pass!) past my hips anyway 🤦🏻‍♀️ I give a wiggle but nothing (I must remember, I had a baby 9 weeks ago). How do the Victorias Secret models do it?
The dress dilemma threw the whole morning off. Now I had to think of what to wear, I remembered a more forgiving dress and pulled that on. Now delayed we rushed to the door, grabbing the kids, milk, nappies, lunchbox, nursery bag, nappy bag and my sons water cuppy.

Bundled into the car we hit the road, all was going well and we'd made up the time. I fed my daughter in the car, my son feeling excited to make new friends, learn and play. Then 'damn you Google maps' when you need it the most it doesn't update in time. We missed our turn off which in Dubai means a 20 minute detour that took us in the direction of the industrial area 🤷🏻‍♀️🔫

Traffic everywhere, we remain calm and call the nursery. Explaining our dilemma we arrived 15 minutes late, not too bad for newbies.

Final thought, you can only plan so much. Then you have to go with the flow. Post pregnancy wear stretchy clothing for a while.

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Hope you have a better day tommorow

I'm sure tomorrow will be more of the same, all the things we will miss once our children grow up and leave home. I must remember to embrace the chaos 🤣

Haha love it. Embrace the chaos. It's life.
In a couple of days you'll be back to being a well oiled machine.