Starting out in the Medical Field as the only Male?!?

in nursing •  7 years ago 


I started in the Medical Assistant program in my junior year of high school, I was always fascinated in the field considering my mom is a nurse and taught me lots of skills when I was young so it was a easy start in the program ( medical wise ). The very first day I was in class it was me V.S tons of females... all eyes on me! It felt like my confidence did a 180.... I just cant be the only guy in the room but I was, no more seats were open.

Throughout the rest of junior year I was called all the names in the book by my high school class, it wanted to make me quit and get out of the field but my family gave me strength to fight through the name calling and succeed!

I learned a lot within the school year , not just the basic medical stuff like injections and medication and following physician orders but.... Self-confidence. Self-confidence in being me in the nursing field and not allowing others to put me in a box. I create the box!

Nursing is changing I see that now, from 1 guy in the class alone to 3, the field is being much more accepting now.

Progress is being made!

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The information age created a new pathway for health services in the form of health information systems, combining healthcare and information technology. Plenty of guys jumping into the new field and I'm thinking of riding the wave myself, just need to research it some more. Goodluck on your nursing medical journey. :]