Nutritional Consumption 101

in nutrition •  9 years ago 

Can't stress enough how important nutritional consumption is. (I don't like the word diet, it's been sullied by the soft drink and "diet" industries).
Before any other problem in your life can be addressed, nutritional consumption comes first. Once that piece is in place, the rest will naturally flow with a few key pieces of information:

  1. The only power you have is to make one good move right now.
  2. Screw the pyramid, counting calories, or whatever bull their preachin' these days because it is mostly counter-productive to good health and often facilitates the cycle of bad decisions. The mindsets of the people who come up with these schemes reeks of an obsession with marketing and deception. Money.
  3. Truth is you're going to want to get as high a percentage of raw organic vegetables as you can. Most everything else is doing you negative good. Nobody wants to hear it but it's true. Eat 90% vegetables if you can.
  4. Even babies make moves. It's not always going to happen all at once. It will likely take gradual steps in the right direction. But don't compromise by drinking diet soda or some other "hey look it's not so bad for you" product. Just drink a damn coke with sugar in it if you have to. If you're going to poison yourself may as well get the most enjoyment out of it.
    People have routines; social enabling, they have tendencies to slip up or be compromised in a weak moment. When you find you've slipped up (and you'll feel it and know it) make a mental note to not repeat that behavior again. The next level is keeping a journal to track habits.
  5. Step four is really but a form of meditation. It's knowing that in moments of great pain or suffering; as well as great joy and opportunity, the only thing we can control is choosing to focus on the breath. Doing this will process the pain and emotion and if possible overcome it.
  6. As when you realize you've made a bad health decision, don't beat yourself up, it's in the past. Promise yourself to not make the same mistake again and bring yourself back to the breath for as long as you can.
  7. When you notice your thoughts are racing again, gently bring it back to the in and the out. The great pendulum of life.
  8. Spend some time in the mountains for some fresh air if you live someplace where you feel like you have to take shallow breaths because the air is poison. And get a reputable air filter.
    Now you're on the path. Now you see the stream, the river of time we all must navigate down, the things that elevate and decrease our vibrational frequency. It's not a long ride, but it's special so take advantage of as many moments as you can for as long as you can. Live long and prosper!
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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Knowing what to eat that's healthy is easy, the hard part is fighting your mind when it wants the fried chicken but should be reaching for the grilled chicken. I say for the first couple weeks use a calorie counter to help you know what the portion sizes are that you should eating. Portioning food based on guesstimates is a danger of eating too many calories jut waiting to happen.