Water consumption at a higher temperature with lemon due is a valuable morning nutrition to improve digestion and increase the detox process within the organism while providing it with the necessary intake of vitamin C for immune system support and electrolytes for optimization of energy levels therefore productivity levels.
Avoidance of high sugar or artificial sweeteners in the morning on empty stomach since sugar levels on an empty stomach attaches to the organism more effectively and can irritate the organism leading to lower energy rates due to more effective attachment of such products on an empty ratio to a digestion tract that already acquired another form of hard and liquid nutrients where it can synergies with those nutrients and act as energy optimizer during the day where are productivity expends energy in continuity.
Avoidance of lower temperature-based products especially soda beverages that are comprised of sugar, and additives irritating the organism, leading to bloating effect and thereby energy reduction. Colder beverages also hurt our intestines by reducing their functioning and the probability of valuable digestion that leads to a valuable detox process in the morning. Since they reduce metabolism functionality and do not increase our body temperature for more efficient organism functionality, they also reduce detox ability thereby can increase stress levels on a long-term basis.
Coffee is not valuable on an empty stomach with caffeine being more active on an empty than on a nonempty stomach having a reverse effect where it acts as stress driving factor, reducing our energy and productivity rates in the long run. It is valuable to engage in consumed of a hard-form meal or a mashed product in the morning before engaging in morning coffee consumption.