in nwo •  7 years ago 

My instincts regarding Ukraine are tied to a personal conviction that the predators of Khazarian descent are determined to reclaim their land from Ukraine to Kazakhstan. They have already built their 4th independent city, Astana, in a remote part of Kazakhstan & it's sinister & occult design gives away the globalist intentions that are close on completed. The recent staging of the Syrian peace talks there was a clear indication of how that city will come to dominate humanity in the future.

Trump is one of the predators, I have no doubt whatsoever about that. He has been groomed all his life for this specific role, at this specific time in their plan to achieve the New World Order.
His overtures of friendliness or implied interest in co-operation with Russia, but at the same time declaring absolute support for Israel, suggest an extraordinarily devious mind.
It is purely my own opinion but I think that Trump is working towards the Greater Israel plan & will continue to threaten Iran, citing false claims of their interference in the affairs of their neighbours & even false claims about missle testing etc. He will then find himself confronted by Russia, rightfully so.... but he will claim that they are the aggressors.
Troops from the US are already on the ground in Yemen, another scenario where Iran is accused of providing support for the Houthi rebels.

Overall I expect that Trump will engage Russia in several war-zones simultaneously but claim to be defending "American interests" on all fronts, which would not be exactly difficult due to the inordinate number of US military bases strategically placed like nooses around Iran, Russia & China.
The underlying cause for the drive towards war is the financial threat posed by the strong alliance between those 3 countries. Iran will be dropping the US dollar as an exchange currency in March. China & Russia are stock-piling gold..... if the US does not challenge them it faces financial ruin & Trump, of all people, will not permit that to happen.

I see WW3, which started on 9/11/2001 continuing until it reaches a crescendo of destruction obliterating most of the middle east, INCLUDING Israel, but especially Iran. I see all the countries between Ukraine & Kazakhstan occupied by NATO forces & fierce fighting will decimate the populations of that entire region.
I foresee carnage & territorial contamination on a sickening scale causing alarming migration problems destroying the economic viability of Europe & all it's allies.
I only have to remind you of the words carved deep into the Georgia Guidestones, which declare the intention to reduce the global human population to half a billion souls, for you to follow my apocalyptic vision.
We are headed towards utter ruin as a planet & the predators wet dream of one government, one language, one currency & one religion are so close that I can almost smell them.
NATO will fight to the death against Russia, China & Iran.

I have no doubt that this scenario is an inescapable inevitability but what sickens me the most, after all this deliberation, is the horrifying fact that we here in Britain, as the first nation to have been hijacked by the Zionist predators of both Jewish & Jesuit persuasion, we are providing the true aggressors with a safe haven from which to orchestrate their diabolical & bloodthirsty plans..... & the majority of the British population will NEVER know that..... & so will be easily whipped into defending them against discovery or defeat.

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6 years later there's a war in Ukraine and Iran is just one decision away from becoming the next Iraq. Good God! How'd you connect the dots?