Without the promise of eternal life there is no hope.

in nwo •  3 years ago 


Down deep below the level of cognitive denial, liberals know this. Because it is painfully obvious they also know mankind has a cruel and depraved streak a mile wide in spite of its animated and frenzied desire to display good works as a badge of righteousness.

The left is also keenly aware of the terrible destruction of our planet by deforestation and poisoning of the oceans, rivers and lakes by pesticides, chemicals, plastic and radiation. We do a good job here but the third world is a fecal and toxic mess. All of this doesn't bode well for the future of humanity, especially when you throw the threat of nuclear war and disease into the cauldron.

What does a massive segment of humanity do when their world view, secular Humanism, denies them hope? They seek salvation through the human collective government. A NEW WORLD ORDER. A brave new world. One built in technology, drugs, genetic modification, cyber reality, artificial intelligence and the blending of man and machine. That's the new opiate for the atheistic masses. And of course the billionaires who thrive financially on globalism push this like it's a cure all salve through a press and entertainment industry they own outright. It is ironic that they ridicule Christians for using a fantasy as a crutch when that is exactly what they themselves are doing.

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