The Logic of New World Order

in nwo •  8 years ago 

At the time (1883), Rockefeller and Rothschild were competing as the world’s foremost oil and banking barons. But the two competitors each finally realized that competition was not a good thing. The more oil wells they drilled, the more oil was produced, the more the price of oil per barrel fell. This led a disgruntled John D. Rockefeller to exclaim, 'Competition is a sin!'

A solution, therefore, was soon brokered. It was decided that the world’s markets would geographically be carved up, with the two barons, Rockefeller and Rothschild, each having their separate, well-defined shares. Moreover, limits would be put on oil produced globally so as to keep the market price as high as possible. Under this arrangement, both Rothschild and Rockefeller would benefit.” -- Texe Marrs

This is the NWO in a nutshell. If competition is a sin between corporations, then it must also be a sin between nations. How much more efficient could the world be run if the world "would geographically be carved up" and assigned roles, instead of allowing each nation to decide for itself what it should do and when? So the people of the world's nations must be persuaded to give up their national allegiances. They must be taught that nationalism is hard-hearted and that patriotism is redneck. In the meantime, the infrastructure that links the world into an tightly woven network of functional regions will be set into place.

US immigration policy looks stupid unless you understand the long term goal. Most people expect the border patrol to police the border. Instead they set up highway and sports event checkpoints with the TSA. Nobody wants that. Yet that is what they do. The reason this is happening is because the long term goal is the North American Union. They are creating transnational corridors, adjusting US laws so that they are in equilibrium with Canada and Mexico, and engineering a dollar disaster -- all with the ultimate goal of erasing national boundaries in North America. There are transnational corridors now under a program currently called CANAMEX. The new Interstate 11 will make the border even harder to police, and yet it's going in to make the NAU a reality.

They'll continue this until the border becomes an economic issue, at which point they'll unveil the North American Union (NAU) as a solution. We already have the border crossing card for Mexicans ( and the enhanced drivers license for Gringos ( The Passport Card ( meets "the documentary requirements of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative", which is another step towards formal NAU.

In order to pave the way for the North American Union, all laws (including gun laws) need to be "equalized" between the US, Canada and Mexico. The driverless freeways connecting Canada with Mexico are already under construction (for example: Canamex Interstate 11); when completed they will be considered international territory and all exits will be "ports of entry". Note that has already completed the transitions of seller accounts into a "North America Unified Account" which includes the US, Canada and Mexico. Once they finish the Canamex highway and "equalize" our laws, our neighbors to the North and South will become our comrades in the North American Union. The Mexican Army will be a legal arm of the North American Union security forces keeping you and your family safe from pro-gun terrorists.  

Strategies To Erase Nationalism

The US Constitution is not a collectivist document, and so it will have to be over-ridden by provisions in the treaty that will form the North American Union. Collectivists claim that your God-given rights can be limited by statute. Detroit happened to be the perfect testing ground to begin their strategy of dismantling the USA. They took the richest city in the USA and made it the poorest. It's no accident that it was also the most Liberal city in the US: that's what made the implementation possible. Once the US looks and feels like the Gaza Strip, the North American Union will be unveiled as the cure. 

There are thousands of sock puppet accounts on every social media site (millions on Twitter). They are operated by "agents of change" who are currently attempting to engineer a masonic "clash of civilizations" where a crusade of Christian patriots battle a jihad of Muslim extremists. These "agents of change" are mostly FBI and NATO, but every country runs these so-called "intelligence" operations. The operators tell themselves they are trying to lure potential terrorists into publicly exposing their "radical" views, but in reality they are creating an environment where false flag operations can be portrayed as plausible terrorist acts by their mass media outlets.

On one side we have the good-hearted, patriotic, uneducated, war-weary American ex-soldier. On the other side we have the newly-indoctrinated Muslim extremist. These actors model for us the conflict the operator wants to inflame. The objective is the masonic "clash of civilizations" that has been so publicly anticipated by American Neocons for a generation now. The primary target for these operations are American ex-military and other patriots, who are depicted as dangerous crackpots who have become fixated on Muslims by their PTSD. The primary instrument used currently is a paper army of Muslim "fighters" who brandish weapons in front of cameras all over the world.

This masonic "clash of civilizations" will occur whether or not these agents actually find willing participants. All they have to do is create the impression that there are existing groups of these archetypes. Once the public is convinced that the US has been infiltrated by a number of Muslim extremists then every false flag will be viewed as part of this "clash of civilizations". American ex-military will be disarmed to "stem the violence". Muslims will be rounded up, for their own protection, to be used again as needed.

The end result will be a US stripped of all constitutionalists, leaving the field open for the normalizing of laws across North America and allowing for the creation of the North American Union. This is an essential step towards the global order that is the ultimate aim of Freemasonry. This is the "Order Through Chaos", as the masons say, that is the poisoned fruit of such sock puppet exchanges as we see here.

Resistance is Useless

Suppose the American people "wake up", expose these scammers and walk away from their televisions. Well, there is an answer for that too. It's called a Hard Landing.

First we will be led into a fake war ("WW3") and pushed into a war economy. This will include an inflated currency and artificial scarcity, like during WW2. There will be rationing, civil duty and marshal law. Inner city riots will clear the way for urban renewal. The currency will be slowly inflated away and a new North American Union currency will replace it, representing an economic union between Canada, Mexico and the US. The NAU will be at first better run than the deliberate mess being created in Washington DC, however it will soon be business as usual. The NAU is one administrative unit of the global governance, and eventually this will be officially recognized.

But because our rulers are so soft hearted and kind, they would prefer to avoid inflicting this unnecessary pain. You can take it the easy way or you can take it the hard way. Your choice.

So, let's try and think like a collectivist. How might we better cooperate with the inevitable "winds of change"?

  1. Sign up for vaccines. Any time. Anywhere.
  2. Send your kids to public school for maximum indoctrination.
  3. Make full use of your ability to "Suspend Disbelief" while viewing their television news.
  4. Turn in your weapons.

Any other ideas?

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