Programming on the Screens: Are We Being Distracted for a Reason?steemCreated with Sketch.

in nwo •  6 years ago 

Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in it.
~ William Shenstone


Photo by Sven Scheuermeier on Unsplash


en·​tan·​gle·​ment | \ in-ˈtaŋ-gəl-mənt,
Definition of entanglement

1a : the action of entangling : the state of being entangled
b : something that entangles, confuses, or ensnares a project delayed by legal entanglements
2 : the condition of being deeply involved their entanglement in politics


Entanglement in the Mundane

When I first saw the large spider sculpture, I was horrified. Now don't get me wrong, I love most spiders in nature. They are interesting creatures that catch bugs and make beautiful webs. So many different sizes and shapes....and yet when I saw the sculpture it looked like nothing I have ever seen before. It looked otherworldly as if it came over from another dimension and no one was paying it any attention.


Hidden in Plain Sight

I think most of the time we just go about our days without seeing the esoteric around us, especially so in big cities.

Why is a big, ugly (yes, this is a subjective statement...) sculpture being dragged all over the globe for display? What does this monster signify, possibly, to the elite?

Do you know of a talented artist that comes from humble means that is now (for lack of a better term) "rich and famous"? Probably not. Money stays with money, especially old money. I would guess that there is a hidden agenda with this sculpture, so let us speculate.

Why Wouldn't We Question the Popular Narrative?

Seems like a fair question. If we just go along without questioning then we deserve what is dished out to us over the course of our lives. But is just getting by really living?

What do you think of when you think of spiders?

  • webs
  • weaving
  • www = world wide web
  • entanglement of whatever gets in the web
  • and for many, fear
  • eight legs = turn the number 8 sideways and you get the infinity sign

World Wide Web

I am hoping that most of us know that the www was started by the military. The military industrial complex uses tax payer funds under the guise of "homeland security" to start up various projects. These projects either get introduced directly into the culture or they inject them into the subconscious layer of the culture. (Examples: MKUltra programming, Hegelian Dialectics, war-on-drugs propaganda that was started/supported by the CIA).

This "world wide web" is an entanglement of sorts, is it not? What with everyone having a smartphone and being distracted 24/7 to whatever they fancy. So many choices, so little time. And yet, what really has been gained by this tool? We have so much information at our fingertips, moreso now than ever, and yet are we better as a nation or people? Me thinks not.

Are We Under a Mind-Controlled Spell?

I am not joking. I look around and see people who no longer smile at each other, or even look each other in the eyes. So many are distracted by their devices that they don't really interact with even their children. What are they looking for that is so important? Really....

Kids don't play outside anymore. Parents don't get together on a regular basis to swap stories or give each other parenting tips. Maybe I am wrong, but it does feel that there is a bigger divide more now than ever. It's like we are too afraid to do anything. We are caught in the invisible web of fear which is dished out on a daily basis by the corporate owned medias. Everything is bad, if we were to believe what the CNNs and CBSs of the world tell us. There is very little hope except if you believe that more taxes and laws is some sort of balm for what is supposedly wrong with the world.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Unplugging on the Regular is Necessary for Hope to Take Hold

Take a look around you. Who are your neighbors? Are they your friends? Would you like them to be your friends?

Assessing what is good in your life is a first start. What do you want to add to that equation is your unique need. By giving a little of our time to a need that needs to be addressed with fill your heart more than you might anticipate.

The nasty ensnarement and entanglements will ALWAYS be present as long as we decide that our participation isn't needed or wanted. I have experienced some much personal transformation just from someone coming into my life and saying, "You can do this." Never, ever think that you influence isn't important. Find what gives you joy and share it far and wide. Isn't life worth taking a chance and then seeing a smile on another person's face?

Have a great day and God bless!!

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I'm always sceptical when it comes to "occult" or "elitist" agendas... money stays with money but they're still all just people... entangled in their own mundane version of reality, just like everyone else...

Doesn't change the fact that the sentiment is still true regardless... We should open our minds, unplug and resist the programming... we can create our own reality to be less mundane...

... but it's tough .

What I find disturbing is when a child is brought into this cabal without really being able to just be a child. More and more these days things seem very inverted. If we know we are being fooled then it no longer is a trick or occulted. As folks wake up, we see a little more behind the emerald veil. What we are seeing isn't pretty but the real test is what we do with that knowledge.

Thanks for reading and commenting!!


Nice to see you again @cuddlekitten!!


I am hoping that most of us know that the www was started by the military.

The internet was brought about by the military as a means of communication that would survive a nuclear strike by DNS re-routing.

The World Wide Web was created by "English scientist Tim Berners-Lee... in 1989. He wrote the first web browser in 1990 while employed at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. The browser was released outside CERN in 1991, first to other research institutions starting in January 1991 and to the general public on the Internet in August 1991." [1]


Okay. So thanks again @novacadian. I did confuse www with internet. Got it.

But what is incredibly fascinating is that Tim Berners-Lee is knighted. He is really Sir Tim Berners-Lee. For those that follow what the "elite" do and who gets knighted, this is illuminating information.


I love learning new things, so this is awesome!!

The Internet did start with the ARPANET project and the federal government directly funded the creation of the Internet we know today, Cerf wrote. And Xerox deserves credit for great work, Cerf wrote, including creation of the Ethernet protocol, the ALTO personal computer, the Xerox Network System and PARC Universal Packet. “XEROX did link homogenous Ethernets together but the internetworking method did not scale particularly well,” Cerf wrote.

Ultimately, it was the work of researchers around the world from dozens of organizations that created the Internet. “After our initial paper was published, detailed design was conducted at Stanford during 1974 and implementation started in 1975 at Stanford, BBN and University College London. After that, a number of other institutions, notably MIT, SRI, ISI, UCLA, NDRE, engaged heavily in the work,” Cerf wrote.

The answers are never easily ascertained but from what I understand the government did have a hand. Nothing is ever black and white, and I don't always believe what I read on Wikipedia. I am sure many, many people were involved around the globe. It's all about controlling the media and message. Divide and conquer.

Thanks for reading and commenting!!

It's all about controlling the media and message

Wikipedia was used only as a source, having been on the internet in the 80's via a university mainframe with the US Military still having control of the NIC. Once out of University the WWW was rolled out before my eyes; so this is history of my living memory, not something read in Wikipedia.


I am no expert, but for the record, my mother worked for an old hippy back in the 80s. She sold Apples. We had an Apple 2+, a thermo printer, and even a little auburn screen. I remember the exterior modems that made those beeping tones before the computer connected to the internet. I used to go onto different sites that were just discussion boards. I remember doing very simple programs to get a letter to flash or some other simple action with the computer. I used to love to look at the programming details which to me just looked like mathematical equations. It was new and fun back then.

Computers have come a long way. I will never say that I am an expert, but I have been around for almost 50 years and have seen some amazing things, too.

Take care.

Those were probably Bulliten Board Systems (BBSes) which you were connecting to via modem. Ran a BBS on the Citadel Network, myself. Two days to get an email coast to coast, but it got there. 😎

Always something new to learn. Have a great day!!