The 12 days of Christmas are done, and now were moving into the whole New Years mode. We know the routine.... 'My new years resolution is ____'
There are a lot of personal coaches there that will tell you that you shouldn't need to wait until a new year to make a change. Others say make the change right away!
I say do whats best for you. Every COA isn't meant for everyone. Some people crave that routine of having a title event like NYE. Others have the will amd discipline to start right now.
Just get started. Ugh....what a cliché. It's cliché because a lot of us don't start, and when (and if) they start they start small.
Bun dat....Start big.....Start really, really big.....start so big you annoy people. Risk your social and personal equity big.
I'm talking 'if I don't follow through, I wasted money/time big'
Happy new year, lets all do BIG things!