After Nysc, what next?

in nysc •  8 years ago 

Nysc is an acronym for National Youth Service Corps. It is a compulsory scheme in the Nigerian educational system that every graduate from the higher institution of learning is expected to undergo for a period of one year.

The service year is one of the incredible experience in the life of a Nigerian graduate.
Yes... It is really incredible, if you waited at home for months or years before your call-up, there could be no better time than when you put on your kaki and being referred to as Corper. One interesting part is the monthly stipend from the Federal Government of Nigeria popularly called Allawee. There is always smiles on the faces of corpse members when credit alert beep on their mobile phones, in fact some will even keep watch over their phones whenever the payment date is due.
However many corps members have maintained that the Allawee is not sustainable enough as it vanishes like vapour; you have to pay for rent, transportation fare, settling issues, buying foodstuffs etc.

Nevertheless, service year will not last forever, it is not possible for one to be a corps member forever. There comes a time when credit alert ceases to beep in and when that time comes, reality sets in. When there is no longer Federal Allawee, what happens then?
What happens after the service year?
What are your plans as a serving corps member?

Always remember that
'He who fails to plan is planning to fail ---Benjamin Franklin.
Early planing is important, so sit up and plan ahead.

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