What is the Cultured Ghee?

in nzmadewithcare •  4 years ago  (edited)


There are different types of ghee available in the market. One of them is cultured ghee. Do you know who is cultured ghee and how is it different from regular ghee? The prime difference between traditional grass-fed ghee and cultured ghee is their making process and the starter ingredient. Usually, in making regular ghee or clarified butter, it is cooked from regular unsalted butter. But when it is about cooking cultured ghee, it is made from cultured butter.

To make cultured butter, the curd goes through the fermentation phase which converts the lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid. The presence of lactic acid t works as a safe dairy product for severely dairy-sensitive people. There are multiple other health benefits of cultured ghee.

Try Milkio Cultured Grass-Fed Ghee, prepared from 100% grass-fed cultured clarified butter. Ghee is a natural product. It is USDA certified that Milkio ghee is a 100% pure product without any color, preservative, and flavor. Semi-solid and creamy in texture, it is a high aroma product, which is Halal certified.

Click to shop our products: https://www.amazon.com/cultured-ghee-butter-organic-grass/dp/B08ZS7135P/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&m=A1LLME8007QZK9&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&qid=1624705877&s=merchant-items&sr=1-1

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