As I see it....Barack Obama will be remembered largely for his character and integrity, his grace and charm.

in obama •  8 years ago  (edited)
Yes, the Affordable Care Act will be mentioned as well, but the measure of this man is his humanity.

Accomplishments in 8 years? Legacy? I can't think of how he has changed the country in any measurable way (sans the ACA) or where his policies and decisions will be remembered as great. His foreign policy decisions get very mixed reviews.

I think JFK did much more to inspire a new generation of Americans, to set us on a course towards civil rights justice under the law. He sent us to the moon, both literally and metaphorically. He averted a potential nuclear war with the Soviets by showing tremendous restraint and brilliant diplomacy during the Cuban Missile Crisis....secured a nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviets.

He launched the Peace Corps which highlighted American exceptionalism. He left office universally respected by all countries, loved by most.

As far as rhetorical skills... JFK is second to none, the texts of his speeches, written in large part by Ted Sorenson, married eloquence and poetry, while never talking over the common man.

JFK was President for less than 3 years...and his footprint is totally disproportionate with that brief blink. Imagine if he had another 4 1/2 years as Obama has had...

My opinions.

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I love how you start talking about Obama and then segue into JFK. Listen, Obama will be remembered as the one and only Muslim president of the USA. This period will be remembered as the time when America almost fell to the Islamist's, but the people stood up and said we do not want Sharia in our Christian lands. We want freedom. The backwards ideology of Islam will perish. The founders of this great land will triumph. If they don't then get ready for hell on earth. I will be dead so I don't care but for those who are planning on living more than another 20 years, might want to take note and look at the other side ie. the Republicans, the only ones to ever stand up to the Islamists.

Ey I love me some republicans and islam will not rule this beautiful country or land.