the UNmasking of the Two Faced! What gives? Obama's huge Birthday Bash No Masks no Jab Mandates, just all out partying fun at his $12Mil mansion! But hey, his followers say, "you better Muzzle up common folk"

in obamabirthdaybash •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Facebook Frames the unmasking of the Two Faced! What gives?

I wonder which dem supporter will be willing to reign in on this?

My guess is not One Single Dem will be willing to take the challenge.
Why do they virtue signal but Never have One word to say about their own Elitist idols they admire and worship when they even have parties with No Masks.

I'm telling you, these people are Still constantly going to town about muzzles even if jabbed and preening all over the place, yet. . .this is one of their heroes. What gives?

Oh. ..remember how he Then claimed it would just be family?
Are all of these people family?
Did you Know they were related?

Some on Twitter are noting they didn't realize Chrissy Teigen and Stephen Colbert were related to Obama. I guess you learn something new every day!

Don't forget, some of their people didn't even receive notice and the hotel industry made a Bundle because most hotels even by their own corporate owned media claims. . .required 72 hours notice. Nice profits Once again for the heads of corporations!

This is just incredible!
Their hypocrisy knows NO Bounds!

Guardians Were aware of some interesting emails from Haiti in the Cheryl Mills comms with Chrissy Teigen's husband's name in them and some interesting pics.

Guardians also noticed some interesting ties of Stephen Colbert to some you know whats! [Allegedly of Course!]
Just as Obama was seen dancing maskless with many guests also "allegedly."

I guess the rules if you are a hero of those who support the Agenda is. ..
Not for ME, but for Thee!

PROVING once again George Carlin was Right. ..
They are All part of a big club and You and I are not in it.

What is Sick to watch as those not in it, so desperately Want to be in it, they will constantly try to kiss up to those they perceive higher up on the totem pole than they are.
When will they realize they can choose to live their lives as X-Slaves to the system?
Get This. ..

Now he is being heralded as an icon for the side of Freedom. Wonder how the Dems are going to like the tables being turned like this? Interesting!

Let's be real. to almost the end. . .who are they Really Laughing at?
The very people who have Always supported them.
Do you suppose these hoodwinked will Ever get a clue?
The ARE The Others for a Reason!

See the frames here,

See a Great short Video on this.
Very Eye Opening!

‘Rules for thee and not for me’: Obama cops backlash for maskless party

See what George Carlin tried to tell people for years!
This is not for little ears
So thank you for protecting them!
Inappropriate language, the point he is making is Spot On!

George Carlin - It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!

So apparently according to CNN and NYT reporter, they are "Sophisticated" and Not Sure how they Verified they were jabbed, but hey, You all are common folk and even you hinnie kissers out there. ..You Are NOT considered sophisticated by your idols and superiors! IT WAS a high transmission area so quite Interesting! Why was the DJ of the party told Not to put them up and delete them!

Counting on the Media to provide Cover rather than actual Coverage!

Interesting. All being ignored as Fauci brought up a biker party, but NOTHING about Obama's maga bash at his ginormous mansion! Wow! Can they be Any More Obvious?

Media defend Obama's maskless birthday party attended by hundreds

Perfect Title here,

Tucker: You're either 'sophisticated' or a 'superspreader'

See a post on this here,
So all of the leftists and hostile put the onus on All of Us to get not just nurse, but Doctor verification. . .Which We Do, yet did you hear this reporter speak to Any Doctors about this crowd? I haven't seen ONE single leftist provide any valid Proof of their skewered numbers and Not One of them can come up against Dr. Rashid Buttar nor the Worldometer's numbers Showing more people perished from flu in prior years. ..and Not One of them talks about the flu any more, yet my students and children caught it multiple times throughout the year.
Now they claim Every sickness is part of the you know what including a man in his 20's that was verified to perish from a motorcycle crash.
I didn't!
Just how all that are hostile, call names and curse us out. . .they try to Force us to gather all evidence Which We Do and even get Dr.'s speaking at events, Town Hall Meetings and School Board Meetings. . .yet they just run off the mouth and virtue signal while providing NO Actual Science nor actual respected doctors among the regular civilians. What Gives?
Have you seen them just make statements and call it Science? These people were not in ANY vetted science courses most times and didn't take the same training Vetted doctors with viable cures endured.
Nor do a majority know a thing about the Actual creation and working bio system of the human genome nor do they have even a minute grasp of physics.
Interesting. All being ignored as Fauci brought up a biker party, but NOTHING about Obama's maga bash at his ginormous mansion! Wow! Can they be Any More Obvious?
So the "Sophisticated" are exempt from. . .
The medical rules
Exempt from Taxes
Exempt from homeless and low income people living in their neighborhoods
Exempt from muzzles during elitist parties
Exempt from mocking, belittling and attempts to shame
But they Do Earn CNN's cover, praise and enduring worship.
See more short Spot On reports covering actual footage and verified facts in comments on the original post on my page.
BTW. ..The Sturgis rally Fauci and corporate owned CNN were ranting about after demonstrating a double standard for the Bama Bash. . .Zero Cases of the rona found.
Will you hear even ONE dem say a word?
NO, because it is something they cannot shoot their mouths off about, belittle you and I over, nor can they Virtue Signal about it as the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day did!
This is Where we are AT, yet we still have to warn them because we were tasked with it no matter how hostile and violent they are!
Matthew 10:22
“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”

Post link,

Important post share from Great Warriors Grace Landry and Tom Britz to see especially comments, connectors and bits of info all contributed. . .

See some of the latest archived videos from my channel TestingTheNarrative on Bitchute here,



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