Being healthy in an unhealthy environment

in obervations •  8 years ago 

Are you trying to live a healthy life style?


Do you live in a city?


Yes, i am trying to live a healthy life style. This is my highest priority. What does it mean to me to be healthy?! To take care of my body, for my mind and spirit to be in peace and in harmony. I experienced that i can be in a really good state when i breath fresh air, drink a lot of clean water, eat optimally, rest when necessary, stretch and move, play, get in the sun, and work. Even if i know this, it doesn't happen all the time to be honest, as i am being limited by the environment, and so i start compromising and sacrificing.

No i don't really live in a city, but practically yes i do. Lately i have been very busy doing things in order to move forward with this vegan kitchen start-up. I am living at the moment at a friends house in the suburbs which is close to Larnaca and then i drive every day down town to get to the shop and start working.

The point i want to get to is, can we be healthy living in the city's we created? No I don't think so. The more i observe myself and the others in our daily stress, running around in cars, always trying to get somewhere, trying to do something. Getting baked by the heat of the cement streets and getting no breeze by the tall buildings. Sniffing the gas and the fumes from our cars and consuming not the most ideal food for our species because 'we really have no time for that, lets get a coffee and a doughnut'.

A lot of people like living in city's, i know and i get that. Cities have malls and shops, cinemas and bars and clubs, and much much more exciting stuff. I find it so funny though. Everything is being sold, everyone has something to sell to yo, pay me some money, i will pay you some money and on and on. Don't tell me that you are living a healthy life. But how? How do you do it?
What about body? Mind and spirit?

You will tell me then. Hey Simon, why don't you move up on the mountain then, or why don't you get lost?!
Well, i have tried doing that. It is so good, so peaceful and simple.
But from time to time i have to get down, and be in my body, and work and make money, and play my role, so i can be responsible, and pay my way, to life.

  • I want to say that i am not absolute about nothing i just wrote, i am trying to express some thoughts and ideas i have. I would like to hear what you think about this and what your experience it*

With love- Simon

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