The United States of Obesity

in obesity •  8 years ago 

Throughout the course of history, America has been faced with a wide range of plagues and epidemics. In this modernized technological society we suddenly believe we are far too advanced to let any other epidemics over power us. Cue obesity, the country’s leading number one killer. But why is America so fat?

A part of this elaborate puzzle involves genetics. Several scientists have found that there is indeed a gene that leaves some people predisposed to obesity. However, genetics alone cannot be entirely at fault. After all, findings show it is only a predisposition, not a physical certainty.

One of the major targets is the current lifestyle this sophisticated technologically enhanced society has brought us. In modern days, television, computers and video games all encourage us to lead a purely sedentary life, where really the only thing that even comes close to exercise is walking to the fridge and back.

Reasonable serving sizes are also a thing of the past. If you are to compare the portion sizes from the 60s to those of today, you will be in for a big surprise. This basically means that we are eating way more and exercising far less than the years prior to the obesity rush.

This fast paced world barely allows time for balanced and nutritious meals. Many of us are too tired or too pressed for time to prepare hearty lunches or dinners. This leads us to instead opt for fast foods or processed foods which are loaded with sugars, fats and trans-fatty acids, all of which contribute directly to obesity.

But we all fall victim to these foods because they come at a low price. What we need to consider is how much we are paying for the consequences in the long run.
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