The Delicious Truth About "Fat Shaming"

in obesity •  8 years ago  (edited)

Next time you stop by the the leftist buffet, be sure to expand your propaganda palate (and your waistline) with a super-sized dollop of "Fat Shaming". 

In case you're new to leftist cuisine, "Fat Shaming" is a delicious recipe force fed to society so that we will reject our biological tastes in order to make it easier for fat people to swallow the chronic suffering of morbid obesity.

Whew... what a mouthful!

Good thing I prefer my ideologies (and my food) to come from nature. So let's chew some fat!

Human beings, like pretty much every other living species, are biologically hardwired to be attracted to those who are radiant and healthy, and repelled by those who show symptoms of sickness. 

The reason for this should be obvious: 

Life seeks conditions conducive to life.

As humans, we instinctively look for symptoms of sickness in other humans, such as bad posture, pasty skin, yellow in the eyes, bad breath, and other offensive odors to know if someone is a potential threat to our survival. 

We also seek to surround ourselves with beauty and harmony, from our clothing to our homes and surroundings, and obesity is neither an aesthetically pleasing or harmonious natural state.

When it comes to reproduction, we look for the prime conditions to ensure survival of our lineage, whilst fat people experience reduced fertility, increased health risk during pregnancy and childbirth, impaired ability to properly care for a child (due to lack of physical fitness, a weak immune system, and the psychological and emotional disorders that accompany excessive weight), increased chance of transferring unhealthy behaviors to children, increased chance of developing chronic illness, and a reduced lifespan. 

You don't really need to be a scientist to understand why a member of the opposite sex might not find a fat person so appealing...

Turns out our bodies are driven by biology, not ideology. 


And let's be real about it, anyway. 

Has the "Fat Shaming" movement made any fat people happier or healthier, or brought non-fat people any closer to them? 


Instead, fat people have shackled themselves into a Stockholm-syndrome-esque fat prison, even shaming each other for wanting to get off the fat bandwagon, while the rest of us have just learned to sugar-coat our judgements.

We can accept an ideology, but we can't change biology. 

Just like every other leftist slogan, "Fat Shaming" is simply another deceptive tactic to cause division and conflict, while diverting attention away from those behind the obesity epidemic and who should truly be ashamed: 

  • The people behind the big food and pharmaceutical companies who sell you both the poison and the cure
  • The unconscionable scientists and dietitians who have sold out to the above companies, distorted our views on health, and wreaked havoc upon our bodies
  • The spineless government puppets who have done nothing to educate and protect the public
  • The indoctrination education system which spoon feeds our children a lifetime of chronic illness and obesity

Don't believe me? 

Just take a look at some of the other labels they've served us over the last few decades:

Low Fat. Non-Fat. No Saturated Fat. All Natural. Multi-Grain. Cholesterol Free. Light. Heart Healthy. Vitamin Enriched. Made with Real Fruit!

With such a long and and fruitful track record of helping people to get fat, it's only natural that these people would want to make sure that they can feel good about getting even fatter.

Lucky fat people can look to them to figure out who's really to blame for their suffering...


Now... what's for dessert?

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