Obligations and our rights to the environment

in obligations •  7 years ago 

The environment is the unity of space with all things, power, circumstances, and living things, including human beings and their behavior, which affect the viability of human life and welfare and other living beings. environmental management is a concerted effort to preserve the environmental function which includes the policy of structuring, utilization, development, maintenance, recovery, supervision, and environmental control.

As we all know that environmental problems arise as a result of human activity itself. Humans in utilizing natural resources will cause changes to the ecosystem that will affect the sustainability of natural resources itself. utilization of natural resources that exceeds the threshold of land carrying capacity and without regard to its sustainability aspects will encourage environmental damage.

Obligations and our rights to the environment
Some of our obligations to preserve the environment include the following:
Clean the environment from the trash. Scattered rubbish must be cleaned in order for the environment to be healthy.
preserving the environment can be done by reforestation or reforestation. With reforestation or reforestation it can improve the depletion of the ozone layer due to air pollution or pollution.
maintaining environmental sustainability can be done by using environmentally friendly vehicles. By using environmentally friendly vehicles we can reduce air pollution or pollution. Examples of environmentally friendly vehicles are electric cars and solar powered cars.
maintaining the environment can be done by building environmentally friendly buildings, create a building with an environmental approach. The building built with an environmental approach called the green building. the building usually uses glass as a wall and during the day uses the Sun as a lamp.
Reducing the cause of pollution can be done by using alternative energy. Alternative energy is an energy that is environmentally friendly and never exhausted. Examples of alternative energy are water, wind, and solar heat.
Beautify the environment can be done by planting flowering plants and green plants. Green plants are a very important plant to help people get good oxygen. with sufficient oxygen, people will be able to run life and activities with better and more comfortable .
After all our obligations to the environment are met, we can gain our rights from the environment. Our rights to the environment are as follows.
Enjoyed the fresh environment. With a fresh environment our lives become healthy and comfortable. with a healthy and comfortable life all activities can be carried out properly. Air for breathing purposes because no human can survive without air support.
obtain clean and healthy water provided by nature, for drinking, bathing, irrigating rice fields, and power generation.
Get what we need. Plants and animals to meet the needs of animal and vegetable protein. besides plants and animals can also be made as a source of energy and pleasure. In certain areas, cows and buffaloes are used as towing plows in rice fields, as well as horses to attract a delman and serve as a means of equestrian sport.
acquire land for establishing various infrastructure in support of human life, for example to create shelter, government buildings, sports and shops. Utilization of the land is of course with attention to environmental sustainability.
Free from environmental pollution. a healthy environment is a pollution-free environment. With a healthy environment, the inhabitants of the environment are also healthy and free from various diseases caused by polluted environments.
Humans and the environment (nature) have a very close relationship. Both give each other and receive great influence from each other. The influence of nature on human beings is more passive, while human influence on nature is more active. humans have an exploitative ability to nature.

Every human being, dipundaknya bear a great responsibility in relation to the management and utilization of the natural environment, among others can be realized with examples of attitudes and behavior as follows:
maintain environmental hygiene, such as not littering. The waste is managed by applying the 4 R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replace). In everyday life, and can be done by anyone to reduce the volume of waste.
does not excessively exploit nature, given the limitations of existing natural resources.excessive exploitation of natural resources without regard to aspects of the role and function of this nature to the environment can bring various kinds of natural disasters such as landslides, floods, smog, global warming is very detrimental to society.
using environmentally friendly technology to keep the environment clean and sustainable. Environmentally friendly means not to cause damage to the environment as human habitation. then in a simple way, environmentally friendly technology is a technology created to simplify human life but does not cause damage or negatively impact on the environment around it.
the use of technology must take into consideration the environment in which we live so that technology does not damage our natural environment.
preserving the environment by increasing the utilization of energy sources that will not run out instead of petroleum or coal, such as the use of sunlight, wind, geothermal energy, hydro power, tides of sea water, etc image

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