Obstacles Are Nothing More Than a Downside

in obstacles •  4 years ago 

Obstacles are nothing more than illusions. In life, we face many different challenges and they can seem impossible to overcome at times, but as they always prove to be nothing more than mere illusions of the mind interprets them as real. The mind perceives an obstacle on one level as something that needs to be overcome, while on another level the obstacle is seen as something that cannot be overcome. When this happens, the mind interprets that there are no solutions because the only solution is to move on or try and find an alternative route.

The more you move through life with this kind of thinking the less success you will experience and the less your accomplishments will be. It doesn't matter if you have already succeeded once and a hundred times before; if you always see your failures as something to be overcome, you will always fail in the end. There is a reason that all the successful people you see and know are doing what they do and having the biggest house, the most expensive car, and the most stunning vacation; they have learned to let go of the need to see obstacles as something to be overcome.

The more you allow negative thoughts and the hindrances in your life to keep you from achieving your dreams and your goals, the more your life will be one full of failure. Yes, it is true that the majority of successful people in the world have overcome all kinds of obstacles. You might be asking yourself at this point, how can they do it? The simple answer is they simply move past their obstacles by finding a way to push past them. If you look at the way they approach problems they all have a solution, sometimes it is a simple method but often it is a complex one.

As a matter of fact, all the successful people in the world have one thing in common; they have the ability to focus. When it comes to focusing you should keep in mind that whatever the obstacle is in your life; you can always find a way to focus on your goals. You will never beat yourself up for the hindrance that you might be encountering. Focus on your goals and beating the obstacle, no matter how insignificant it might seem to you.

Another thing you should do is remember that there is only one person in the world that you have to please; yourself. You know your own self worth and how you want to see yourself. The obstacle that you are having now is merely an attempt by some to stop you from reaching your goal. When you see obstacles as something to be beat; you will never allow yourself to be stopped from your own dream.


So the question remains is what do you do when you come across obstacles in your life? Do you allow it to hold you back or do you face it head on and conquer it? More times than not you will find that the answers to these questions are both simple and complex. In other words, depending on what you would like to accomplish with your life you will find a way to defeat your obstacles. You just have to want to conquer them.

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