RE: A Beautiful and Sublime Sunday!

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A Beautiful and Sublime Sunday!

in oc •  5 years ago 

Great to hear and a spare room always comes in handy my friend.

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Ohh yeah for sure, it will be my computer room as well :)

Now that's great thinking JJ.
A place where you can control things, almost like a sort of nerve center.
Marian and I share the room here, as her computer and stuff is at the one end of the desk and mine at the other end.
The two screens are back to back with a gap in between so we can peep at each other when we chat Lol.
We both have various duties for the charity to perform and she marks her theology degree students afterwards while I do my steemit cruises.
Works like charm my friend!

That sounds a good setup
My wife des most of her online things on an iPad so doesn’t need a pc desk like I do

Oh man, you can do so many things with a room all to yourself.
I really hope that it all works out for you my friend.

I am sure things will work out maybe not all the things we hope for but there will also be things we didn’t think off which will balance things out nicely

Things will all always work out my friend and maybe also a few pleasant surprises I hope!

Exactly thats how I feel as well

Hope is an excellent quality to have in this life my friend.
My own hope in everything has grown so strong over time that nothing can break it. I live and breathe hope every day, even in the worst of circumstances.