...but only on the condition that she doesn't speak. Moaning is okay. So is gagging. As soon as she talks she turns into an unbelievably ugly bitch. My shit would go limp. Her historical ignorance is truly astounding. It's mind-boggling how she can believe the things she does. In particular, I can only describe her attachment to socialism as delusional.
Dear Alexandria. You are stupid if you genuinely believe socialism will help anyone. Or - you are genuinely evil if you know the history and reality of socialism and pursue its institution anyway. If you continue to pursue this line of of thinking; this political approach, not only will you personally fail, but you will bring catastrophe to the people you claim to want to help.
Your repeated displays of ignorance on so many issues indicates to me that you are relying on buzzwords and name-dropping popular crusades in order to support your position. Such a fragile stardom will collapse on the lead-up to the midterms as you are discovered to be a fraud. Over time you will probably end up working in some kind of PR position for a progressive company that itself fails for placing greater importance on activism than on serving the interests of its customers or developing a quality product or service - probably a "green energy" company that doesn't make any money and survives entirley on government handouts. On your current trajectory, that is my prediciton for your future.
Of course you could also find your way to me if you're just looking to smash. I'm here for you, girl.