Wisdom of the Ancients: Revelations from the Priesthood - An Entheogen Revival in Modern Times.

in occult •  7 years ago  (edited)

Entheogenic (/en·the·o·gen/)
An entheogen, from Greek, literally meaning "generating God within", is any psychoactive substance that induces a spiritual experience and is aimed at spiritual development.


I'm not sure if anyone has a comprehensive list but there is a growing trend for many to become curious about mind altering plants or magic mushrooms like Fly agaric or various psilocybe cubensis strains (Golden Teacher, BPE, Hawaiian, Cambodian, Orissa India, Panama, Tasmanian, South American, Z-Strain, B Plus, Thai Elephant Dung (T.E.D.), Mazatapec, Transkei), DMT like in Sirian Rue, native African plants like khat or African Dream Root commonly known as Silene capensis, cactus like Peyote or San Pedro, psychedelic honey from Nepal, Iboga from Central and West Africa, Salvia divinorum in Europe and a whole list of plants that have been used by ancient people to achieve altered states of consciousness.


Although there are legitimate uses for these plants use under trained initiated elders or guided shamanistic experiences under knowledgeable and experienced people, many uninformed people have had very negative experiences or suffered other traumatic experiences while experimenting with these sacred plants. Done right, you'd have a one in a billion chance of suffering unintended consequences but the chance to get out of your body and manifest in other planes and dimensions of existence could have profound spiritual experiences and can facilitate higher understanding of your self and the wider spiritual reality.

The question is why with all our modern day medicine and supposed evolution is there still keen interest in ancient plants that have been revered for aeons? Many report miraculous cures, contact with other beings both good and bad, journeys to other spiritual realms and places where many report to have met 'family' or friends, becoming all-ness or one-ness or seeing beings like pixies or fairies, gnomes or, elves or the fay or other little critters running around our very own reality unseen to those who aren't 'there'?

What many people are unaware of is that this ancient divine and sacred knowledge was kept in the high and holy places under direction of the Priests both tribal and otherwise and was actually under curator-ship of the high priests of old & ancient civilisations. It seems that somehow this knowledge which was previously unknown to normal ordinary everyday folk and was being kept from them has now seen a new re-emergence in the modern day and more notably starting in the 1960's era of Hippies and Rock 'n Roll period of history.

The CIA started discovering that there were many labs that were manufacturing mescaline, DMT, LSD and experimenting with other psychoactive substances for the drug markets and also mind control substances like Scopolamine commonly known as The Devil's Breath for further scientific study and research.

Was it just all fun and games or was there really something specially sacred about these experiences - are you really able to comminicate with the gods? Many people believe that there are profound holistic health and healing modalaties from fungus like Kombucha and nobody has ever catalogued the complete collection of fungus on planet Earth yet! And yet we know that spores are strong enough to survive outer space journeys and could seed planets in other galaxies. Many ancient Priests like ancient semetic Rabbi's wear mushroom themed hats and there is mushroom symbolism in many cultures across the world using this symbolic motif.


References and sources

Entheogen quote from Wikipedia
Picture - http://www.thepoisonreview.com/2016/02/08/case-report-amanita-muscaria-fly-agaric-poisoning/
Psilocybe Strains - http://www.spores101.co/Psilocybe-Cubensis_c_13-1-14.html
Mushroom Graphic - www.showallpapers.com/.../cogumelo-cogumelos-wallpapers-8113c7.html
Pictures of peyote and cube - http://www.mushmagic.com/blog-what-is-the-difference-between-psilocybin-and-mescaline-n55

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The question is not why, but why not.
I have personally picked, prepared and taken Amanitas in an enthogenic setting, and can attest to the unmeasurable value of the insights gained from such an experience.
I think that the theories that we are evolved from monkeys eating mushrooms brought by meteorites, or even that DNA and life itself was born from the stars, have lot of merit.

Thanks for feedback and I Agree with you 100% - There is much more value than people realise not just in medicinal and psychology (and a bunch or other sciences) - but giving normal people access to their higher body functions and our spiritual and dimensional heritage is really IMHO where the value is.
This can be a quantum leap in our understanding of ourselves and of other higher worlds beings and dimensional realities that are now only known to a very small few. This has profound implications for humanity and consciousness in general and should be carefully studied but it seems that fear of drugs have just made governments indiscriminate ban almost all of these plants without understanding the deeper insights of what sacred medicine is here for and can do. I'm also positive that some of the fungus varieties indeed do come here on fallen asteroids from other galaxies and probably from other star systems that are seeding the universe with a preferred species of food or resource much like the Roman army used to plant all their medicinal herbs all over the lands that they conquered leaving a sort of hospital support services back all the way to Rome.

Indeed, the recently discovered correlations between the scientific and spiritual understanding of our place in reality are fascinating and confirm the importance of the various conscious realms and our ability to connect with them.
The conquerors human energy harvesting hospital would make a great book, though I'm not sure if it's really a high probability. Unless they like cancer and idiocy.
I suppose you have read DMT the spirit molecule? Time and again this simple chemical provable unleases our potential to tune in to multiple dimensions and share consciousness with diverse beings.

Yes I've read DMT the spirit molecule which is a classic and had a friend who used to make his own from Mimosa hostilis root bark and he was busy experimenting with all the new technology innovations in processing and extraction and let's just say it was very educational and learned an entire new lingo and expanded my practical hold on chemistry to new levels of understanding! Also met a whole community of people involved in this new subculture, if I could use that word.
🐇Not only did I read the book but I went very far down the rabbit hole one day and I'm a better person because of it!
Thanks for your support!

Nothing beats first hand experience!

you're funny & agree 100%👁
I'm super interested in our conscious spiritual evolution and we've actually made contact decades ago if not longer! And many people like channelled messages, remote viewing and other sorts of pseudo-scientific stuff is coming out now more than ever and the implications for life on this planet are staggering. These are our genetic heritage and needs to be cultured and preserved.

I've not experienced physicaly manifesting aliens so I can't attest to that, though the pyramids and other ancient structures found should always be a major question. The astounding (re)discoveres with crystals frequencies and esp for example only serve to confirm what mystics have know for centuries. IE that we are all connected.
I have had multiple experiences with extraconcious beings that have also taught me this connection.
Too many 'mysto-synchronicities' have occurred for me to believe anything less then the unity of consciousness across multiple dimensions.
We should definitely be working with this understanding in our current realm.

Everything manifests in spirit first and then matter afterwards - science will take many hundred years to catch-up with what mystics know today. 🐔
Currently they're still saying that nothing can go faster than the speed of light, which is silly to anyone who knows about their soul. We are not native to this planet and are actually Aliens - to further complicate issues there are 2 species of human being on this planet so you may have experienced physicaly manifesting aliens after all. If you want to see and alien, look in the mirror! 🕺
Thanks for comment @cardoprimo